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Help fellow hunttalkers


New member
Mar 4, 2004
I am stuck between a rock and a hard place as of right now just need some advice. My ol lady wants me to go to school in idaho then move back to texas when done. But here is the tricky part I would be leaving behind my son and her for atleast two years only seeing them couple days monthly. What should I do?
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Why do you have to go to Idaho for schooling? Is that the only place they offer it? Why can't she go with you?

This is the type of thing you will have to decide for yourself. How strong is your relationship? How much are you going to miss of your son's development (how old is he?) The sex will be great, though - as long as the relationship survives...
he is 10months old will miss most of it thats all that is keeping me back and the relationship worked the last yr and a half i was in idaho
"and she is in school right now so cant come."

So many Jokes... So Little time ;)

Hey Tex, what are you going to school for (Or wanting too) ?
Again - it's your call, but I would not want to miss the next two years' with a 10-month old son. If he was 10 years old, it might be different since they don't change as fast at an older age and I would be well-bonded with him. At this age, each month makes a difference. Just my 2 cents.
You could try online courses... that way you could be at home most of the time and go to a community college a couple of days a week/month depending on the program. Try University of Pheonix Online for a start, or for some other school options that might be closer to home.

What part of Texas do you live in that there isn't a college with a multi-media course of study? Why do you have to move to Idaho??

I will echo the previous comments....

Nothing can take the place of being with your children at the age your son is. Try to take some of the standard courses, even check prior to see what will transfer and take some of them. Other than that, wait till your 'ol lady' is done with hers and then everyone can go.

no offence but your exwife wants to you move doesnt sound to promising to me.

the kid is the first and only thing you need to worry about. the rest will have to come later.
there is no subsitute for a kid with out a complete family, even if you arent living together stay close

like I said no offence but you asked.

I believe North Texas has some pretty good multi-media courses. Not too far away in Denton. Between UTDallas, UT Arlington, SMU, UNT you should be able to find something that would work.

As the dad of a 2 year old, wild horses couldn't drag me away. The only reason I would leave my family for that long would be to fight for my country.
I wouldn't leave them, you can alway's take school, but you will never get back any of the growing experience of your children.
The online thing would be your best bet, it will give you the freedom to work on school on your schedual.
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