Healthy bread; What is there?

Too many personal stories I’m aware of between friends and family where doctors are more than useless on these issues to the point where they’re nearly making it worse. One involving close friends 7 month old.

I’m not even sure the osteopaths and homeopaths will always help either, but when it comes to this stuff I’d rather lean on them than the MDs personally. These food problems are such a rampant widespread and growing issue in American society much like mental health is. IMO, much like tik tok and instagram are playing outsize roles in depression there is a pretty simple culprit to many of the food/gut and chronic disease issues - im beyond convinced that some horrendously high percentage of the American food supply is simply unfit for human consumption. we get so distracted by the claims about dairy, red meat, or gluten that we overlook the simple reality that this country just eats constantly and consumes a diet consisting of nearly 100% processed trash and it is causing deep widespread and slow building damage to our bodies.
Hard to argue that.
My go to sandwich loaf as of late.

  • 100g of water
  • 100g of milk
  • 230g of sourdough starter
  • 5g of instant yeast (before I'm forgot to start it early enough and my kids eat bread way faster than I remember lol)
  • 450g of unbleached white flour
  • 60g of extra virgin olive oil
  • 10g of salt
Not saying it's healthy, but I'm making it today and I felt like contributing again lol.
My wife has a flour grinder and grinds her own flour. The fresh ground flour folks can be a little tribal, but it makes good bread and it's supposed to be healthier.
I used to have a stone mill but fell out of habit of milling my flour and making bread as often so passed it along to someone. Kinda miss it.

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I use a Mockmill 200 and buy 50 lb bags of hard red winter wheat from a local bulk supplier. Nothing but flour, water and salt in my weekly bread. I feed my leaven in the morning, mix my pre-ferment in the evening and then mix up my final dough in the morning and have fresh bread after lunch time. Two loaves at a time. 2 lbs of flour. Pretty darn economical. Electricity costs aside it costs me less than $1 a loaf. I paid off the Mockmill a long time ago.
For best health, never eat bread, or anything with wheat in it. I don't, and haven't for three years now. Wheat is a food for cows and birds, in my opinion. There's absolutely zero nutrition in bread.
Word. I did a neat trick once when my GP got all funny about my lipids. Cut out all wheat products from my diet and lipids dropped 100mg/dl in one year.
I worked at Outback Steakhouse in college. There were definitely employees who survived solely on those little brown bread loaves, diet soda, and grass.
They probably went on to become well known Roksliders today.
Why is red meat bad? It's not man made, like flour is. Red meat is the only thing I've eaten for three years, other than eggs.
If that's truly all you've eaten, you're deficient in several vitamins and micronutrients. I'm sure you're supplementing.
Wife and I have been eating this stuff. Good protein and fiber levels and low ingredient count. It's definitely not as tasty as white bread, but it's great with eggs or avocado.

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Taste great but in context it isn’t a recipe for healthy bread but rather was prophetic of the starvation that was to come by the siege of Nebuchadnezzar. And was to be cooked with human turds, prophecy of the lack of firewood because of the siege. Yummy !

9“Also take for yourself wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt; put them into one vessel, and make bread of them for yourself. During the number of days that you lie on your side, three hundred and ninety days, you shall eat it. 10And your food which you eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels a day; from time to time you shall eat it. 11You shall also drink water by measure, one-sixth of a hin; from time to time you shall drink. 12And you shall eat it as barley cakes; and bake it using fuel of human waste in their sight.”
If that's truly all you've eaten, you're deficient in several vitamins and micronutrients. I'm sure you're supplementing. I'm not deficient in anything.

Zero supplements. Zero medications. I'm 56 and healthy as ever. Look up Shawn Baker on YouTube.

Edit: actually I should say, I have eaten things other than "red meat." Like sardines, salmon, clams, etc. But, nothing other than meat and eggs.
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