Health Care??????

Wally- I think you're on to something, although I highly doubt it is/was as complex as you wrote. I think the two salient takeaways from Roberts' decision are:
1) the role of the Supreme Court (and other courts) isn't to judge policy, but to stick to measuring the constitutionality of laws
2) 'It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.'

Obama's butt will be hanging out in the political wind on this one. Two months ago I thought it would take a perfect storm for the R's to beat him. Sure is clouding up.

Romney needs to stay on point, raise money, and debate!
I wonder if that's anything like selling weapons to Iran so our government could fund an overthrow of another country's sovereign government, while cutting deals with the guy responsible for smuggling cocaine by the planeloads into our country, which was simultaneously fighting a multi-billion dollar War on Drugs.

See Ollie North for the shreds of evidence. ;)

You are a quick study my friend.;)
Wally- I think you're on to something, although I highly doubt it is/was as complex as you wrote. I think the two salient takeaways from Roberts' decision are:
1) the role of the Supreme Court (and other courts) isn't to judge policy, but to stick to measuring the constitutionality of laws
2) 'It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.'

Obama's butt will be hanging out in the political wind on this one. Two months ago I thought it would take a perfect storm for the R's to beat him. Sure is clouding up.

Exactly. Apparently "activist judges" are ok as long as they're on your side.

The opinion is literally the second best thing conservatives could have wished for. There were a 100 ways for it to turn out worse.

And whoever wrote that "review" of the opinion above was wrong on several issues...
Looking at nemonts graph, it tells me A large part of the democratic voting base will get insurance for free and the rest of us will have to pay for it.

Since its now classified as a tax, and congress did not specify how much ( remember it wasn't a tax when pelosi, Reid and the messiah was blowing smoke up our ass), what are they gonna charge now. I know what they say but really? Come down to reality.

Now the admin is pushing that it isn't a tax, then that would make it unconstitutional, according to CJ Roberts.

The average may not get taxed per say besides not getting the heavenly federal insurance but you know the insurance companies will pay. Crap rolls down hill. We will be paying.

Nemont, you seem to be in the business somehow, explain to me how this is all rosy, and I will be saving money on premiums. Premiums are like taxes, they don't go down, only up.
"Since its now classified as a tax, and congress did not specify how much ( remember it wasn't a tax when pelosi, Reid and the messiah was blowing smoke up our ass), what are they gonna charge now. I know what they say but really? Come down to reality.

Now the admin is pushing that it isn't a tax, then that would make it unconstitutional,"

from what I have heard, rumors say 1% of your gross income, to $95 for the first year, $300+ for the second year, $695 for every year after that. believe what you want from the numbers you will hear for a while.

admin has to say it's NOT a tax or then the zebra will have lied. remember, he stated numerous times, NO NEW TAXES for anyone under $250000. OOOPPPSSS!!! also, IF this is a tax, as roberts stated, then why was a decision rendered? nobody has been charged with the new tax yet. so, what is he basing his decision on?
Yup, those rates were when it was a penalty, now it's a tax that wasnt specified. With what this is gonna cost, I trust lawyers more that what the initial "fine/penalty" is going to be.

People are gonna opted out ie: not pay. guess who has to pay for it. The average working stiff is gonna pay it.

Medical reform is needed, trust me I know. This is the wrong way to do it. I do like some things about obamacare but the mandate will be a killer.
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"People are gonna opted out ie: not pay. guess who has to pay for it. The average working stiff is gonna pay it."

the average working stiff had better learn how to do their taxes so they do not have a refund coming as that is how they say they will be collecting the "tax". no refund, no extra money to the government.

and for some, depending on what the final "tax" is going to be, it may be cheaper for some to opt out of the program. then, they can go and get medical services for free. all they have to do is learn to speak spanish. just ask california.
Are there any weed-eater mechanics around here? Mine quit running, and its not out of gas.

check the fuel filter and/or the fuel line for obstructions. check the plug as I have had them die and not start again until the plug was replaced. make sure the operator has not had too much beer or they may not be able to find the kill switch they turned on by accident.:eek:
check the fuel filter and/or the fuel line for obstructions. check the plug as I have had them die and not start again until the plug was replaced. make sure the operator has not had too much beer or they may not be able to find the kill switch they turned on by accident.:eek:

I'll ask the Wife, she does all the yard work..............;)
Nemont, you seem to be in the business somehow, explain to me how this is all rosy, and I will be saving money on premiums. Premiums are like taxes, they don't go down, only up.

Who said It was all rosy? Huge challenges lie ahead in health care and health insurance.

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