Caribou Gear

Headspace issue or not - Part 2

You should measure the cartridge base to shoulder for all three rifles and compare to SAAMI. Do you have a comparator gauge and threaded case? I would agree, sounds like the Browning is on the high end or out of spec.
The Browning definitely has excessive headspace or at the extreme limit.

My dad had a 270 built on a Mauser action, great shooting rifle, killed lots of game, had a Stith Bearcub 2 1/2 power with a 3 minute Lee dot. Dry weather only due to the fact the scope had an affinity to internal fogging. Started reloading for it, ran into problems after firing the first few rounds, case head separation. Turns out this gunsmith had a habit of building rifles with excess headspace. Essentially only get one firing out of the brass and then chuck it in the scrap bin.

What about the ammo that will only load in the Browning because it happens to have excessive headspace? Doesn't it carry some responsibility in the equation? When multiple rifles work fine with multiple brands of ammo, it would seem more a fault with the ammo when it doesn't load in the same rifles. If an out-of-spec rifle loads out-of-spec ammo, shouldn't they share the blame? In this case, it seems a case of pure coincidence of having a out-of-spec rifle was key in identifying a problem with the ammo. Whatever the case, a learning experience for sure and all the comments and feedback are very much appreciated.
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What about the ammo that will only load in the Browning because it happens to have excessive headspace? Doesn't it carry some responsibility in the equation? When multiple rifles work fine with multiple brands of ammo, it would seem more a fault with the ammo when it doesn't load in the same rifles. If an out-of-spec rifle loads out-of-spec ammo, shouldn't they share the blame? In this case, it seems that pure coincidence of having a out-of-spec rifle was key in identifying a problem with the ammo. Whatever the case, a learning experience for sure.
Headspace is defined by the rifle manufacturer when they sized/reamed the chamber. For the ammo, if the manufacturer followed SAAMI specs, it should fit any correctly sized rifle. In general, factory ammo brass is going to be at the minimum dimensions it will ever be so that it can fit any rifle. Rifle manufacturers in general will size the chamber toward the upper end so that it can accept any commercially produced ammo.

If the ammo doesn't chamber, and the rifle's headspace is within SAAMI spec, then the ammo likely has a bullet that is not correctly seated (CBTO) and you are hitting the lands or its case is not correctly sized (CBTS) and the case is hitting the chamber before the bolt can fully close. The only other aspect is the bolt itself is out of spec and/or not matched to the rifle chamber (less likely).
Headspace is defined by the rifle manufacturer when they sized/reamed the chamber. For the ammo, if the manufacturer followed SAAMI specs, it should fit any correctly sized rifle. In general, factory ammo brass is going to be at the minimum dimensions it will ever be so that it can fit any rifle. Rifle manufacturers in general will size the chamber toward the upper end so that it can accept any commercially produced ammo.

If the ammo doesn't chamber, and the rifle's headspace is within SAAMI spec, then the ammo likely has a bullet that is not correctly seated (CBTO) and you are hitting the lands or its case is not correctly sized (CBTS) and the case is hitting the chamber before the bolt can fully close. The only other aspect is the bolt itself is out of spec and/or not matched to the rifle chamber (less likely).

What happens to a cartridge case after firing in a rifle with excessive headspace that keeps it from chambering in another rifle? Based on the comments shared earlier, I'm thinking the pressure causes the case to lengthen slightly at its base due to the excess headspace or gap behind it.

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