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Headin' oot in a boot nort' uf da border!


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
About 6 years ago one of my sales reps from a vendor asked me in September if i wanted to go fishing... I took her spot because she was too pregnant to fly. Last month I was joking and asked her if she was planning on having any more kids so I could go fishing again and a week later she calls me for my travel info and I just got an Itinerary for July 17-21 to go back to the same place on the Winnipeg river!

This time since it's in the summer i'm really looking forward to getting in some swimming as well!

Pics from last time..

Best walleye might have been 25?

17 inch Smallmouth bass
My only Pike 25" i think... the other boats couldn't keep them off their lines...


Where I'm Headed...

Just looked up the Master Angler requirements, and for the 3 species it's 28" for Walleye, 41 inch for Pike, and 18 inch for smallmouth bass.
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Nice fish! Looks like you’re in for a great time for sure. Of those Master Angler standards, the smallmouth seems the easiest to obtain by quite a bit. Good luck at getting all of them!
I’d love to go on a Canadian fishing trip some day. Several lodges sound pretty cool up there, or the chain lakes canoe wilderness
Just the best Walleye I've ever caught...26 inches. It was the best Walleye of the group until the last afternoon when it got beat by a 27 1/4" fish...Caught plenty for eating, and turned loose a bunch over 17"

fish 1.jpg

One of the many Pike I caught. My best was 30 1/2" and a 37" was the best of the group. This year i never caught a smallmouth...My boatmate caught a 14"Smallie though.
fish 2.jpg

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