Hawaii hunt planning

Kiwi......the Lanai Co. Archery only areas are very limited opportunities for sheep. Chital (axis) are everywhere.
For mouflon, go for the State run archery.
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Hey glass eye another question if you don't mind. I can't find when the draw will be released on sheep. Do you know how long it normally takes them to post results?
So can you hunt certain areas DIY year round??I'm planning my honeymoon for June there.I bowhunt and rifle hunt,but thought guided was all I could do.I'd really like an axis deer but mouflon would be fun too.If someone could message me with imfo on hunting there that would be great.
Kiwi......the Lanai Co. Archery only areas are very limited opportunities for sheep. Chital (axis) are everywhere.
For mouflon, go for the State run archery.

Thanks glasseye. I'll give the lanai co a call and get the details.
So can you hunt certain areas DIY year round??I'm planning my honeymoon for June there.I bowhunt and rifle hunt,but thought guided was all I could do.I'd really like an axis deer but mouflon would be fun too.If someone could message me with imfo on hunting there that would be great.

It all varies as to which island you are hunting and also whether it's public land or private. On lanai there are no season dates on company land. If your on the state hunt there are season's and within those season are time periods you are drawn for weekend hunts. I think the bow season is about a week though.
Go to dlnr.Hawaii.gov lots of info there to learn the process. Several odd rules and regs compared to the 48
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Does some one have the phone number or web site for Lana'i Company Land? Can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks.
Well I was beginning to worry that I was an unlucky person with draws. I received my first sheep tag in the mail today. I was drawn for the rifle hunt weekend of Oct 14th which just so happens to also be my birthday. Happy Birthday to me I guess.
Plane tickets booked to Kahului and place reserved with Joe. Thanks again Breck I can't wait to get over there in Oct. I have a Newfie moose hunt planned in late Sept. Funny thing is I'm much more excited about the Lanai trip personally.
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