<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Not trying to be a smart-a$$, but the thought escapse me. Maybe I am just not very bright.
The other comment also could use some explanation, for those of us, including myself, who do not know what the private timber industry is up to right now.
I know what the private timber industry is basically up to right now, and that is great, but the FS job is in a different category. The first is to make a profit, even if they have to sit on their resource for a little while waiting for the market to change <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
It has been stated time and again that the market is down, so the heavy clear cutting as has happened back in the mid 80's and 90's has been drastically reduced, the Japanese are not buying like they once were. You are not stupid, no matter what you may want to post, and it is easy to see that you are just being manipulative, but I will indulge you this for whatever reasons you wish to portray. On the other side of the card, where you quoted Buzz, that is a very simple matter as any one can see if they only look, either one of two things are probably taking place:
1. They see the handwriting on the wall with new regulations coming in as happened in Washington in the 70's and they are getting every thing they can before the over regulations come into effect, as they did in Washington State.
2. They are getting ready to sell the property and they don't get any more whether the timber is left or not, so being business minded, they will pull all of the available dollars out of the land before it goes on the chopping block.
Now, I could be way off and totally off the mark on this, but I have seen some of this in the past and if one just uses past lessons to see some things that can happen in the future, these are the two scenarios that come to mind.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> In my simple mind, there would be two styles of managing Private Timber lands. The first, would be to manage it for the maximum long term sustainable wealth for the owners. The second, would be for a quick source of revenue, and then move on, with little regard to the area left behind. I think that is what Buzz was commenting on when he said: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
The one cool thing about Mother Earth is the fact of its regenerative properties, we as humans see five years as being eons because we are such short lived creatures in conjunction with the time lines of the earth, it is hard to comprehend billions, millions, or even thousands of years for that matter. Now this does by no means give people the right morally to destroy every thing, but keeping with in the laws written by man, these practices are acceptable and legal. All I can say to fix this is for you personally to become a lawmaker and get the rules changed. Challenging me or any one else on this board for that matter for others actions is not only silly, but gets you nowhere, unless you are just trying to instigate some thing. Then if that's the case, we all like to play these useless games. Besides if it were anywhere near as bad as Buzz portrays here, then it would be Oh so very obvious no matter where you go. I have asked him to give me places to see this total laying to waste before, I will, when given time and these places to go, if in fact they exist to the extent that is espoused here, go personally to these areas when I am around the region and take pictures of them to show all of you, I still to date have not received one place to go look. This is a big state, even going just into the Bitterroots and looking around could take weeks or more trying to locate them. If it was so rampant, then I should be able to get dozens if not hundreds of locations one would think. This is nothing more, from what I can see, as some one attempting to beat a dead drum and hoping beyond hope, some one will jump in and help, well if you want to help out Buzz’s cause, give me coordinates and show us all that what is said is true.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> if this is the Forest Circus' goal, and I am not sure if that is the goal, then I don't see the objective of the Forest Circus to be the "supplier of last resort" to the Tricon mill. That would be a much different objective. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Lets see, you only saw what you wanted as usual, took things out of context and jumped to conclusions, which is starting to seem the norm. Re-read my post, and look at it as an opinion, nothing more. It is what they should be doing, but because of politics and sticking their fingers in the air, they have veered onto other tangents away from what they really should be doing. What they do with some individual company shouldn’t bother you any way; you still have all the luxuries that logging and mining provide. Your computer alone proves that.
One last thing, I find that when one is starting to lose on a debate on this board, they start going after ones english, I will thank you for proving that one, once again with your opening line.
The other comment also could use some explanation, for those of us, including myself, who do not know what the private timber industry is up to right now.
I know what the private timber industry is basically up to right now, and that is great, but the FS job is in a different category. The first is to make a profit, even if they have to sit on their resource for a little while waiting for the market to change <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
It has been stated time and again that the market is down, so the heavy clear cutting as has happened back in the mid 80's and 90's has been drastically reduced, the Japanese are not buying like they once were. You are not stupid, no matter what you may want to post, and it is easy to see that you are just being manipulative, but I will indulge you this for whatever reasons you wish to portray. On the other side of the card, where you quoted Buzz, that is a very simple matter as any one can see if they only look, either one of two things are probably taking place:
1. They see the handwriting on the wall with new regulations coming in as happened in Washington in the 70's and they are getting every thing they can before the over regulations come into effect, as they did in Washington State.
2. They are getting ready to sell the property and they don't get any more whether the timber is left or not, so being business minded, they will pull all of the available dollars out of the land before it goes on the chopping block.
Now, I could be way off and totally off the mark on this, but I have seen some of this in the past and if one just uses past lessons to see some things that can happen in the future, these are the two scenarios that come to mind.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> In my simple mind, there would be two styles of managing Private Timber lands. The first, would be to manage it for the maximum long term sustainable wealth for the owners. The second, would be for a quick source of revenue, and then move on, with little regard to the area left behind. I think that is what Buzz was commenting on when he said: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
The one cool thing about Mother Earth is the fact of its regenerative properties, we as humans see five years as being eons because we are such short lived creatures in conjunction with the time lines of the earth, it is hard to comprehend billions, millions, or even thousands of years for that matter. Now this does by no means give people the right morally to destroy every thing, but keeping with in the laws written by man, these practices are acceptable and legal. All I can say to fix this is for you personally to become a lawmaker and get the rules changed. Challenging me or any one else on this board for that matter for others actions is not only silly, but gets you nowhere, unless you are just trying to instigate some thing. Then if that's the case, we all like to play these useless games. Besides if it were anywhere near as bad as Buzz portrays here, then it would be Oh so very obvious no matter where you go. I have asked him to give me places to see this total laying to waste before, I will, when given time and these places to go, if in fact they exist to the extent that is espoused here, go personally to these areas when I am around the region and take pictures of them to show all of you, I still to date have not received one place to go look. This is a big state, even going just into the Bitterroots and looking around could take weeks or more trying to locate them. If it was so rampant, then I should be able to get dozens if not hundreds of locations one would think. This is nothing more, from what I can see, as some one attempting to beat a dead drum and hoping beyond hope, some one will jump in and help, well if you want to help out Buzz’s cause, give me coordinates and show us all that what is said is true.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> if this is the Forest Circus' goal, and I am not sure if that is the goal, then I don't see the objective of the Forest Circus to be the "supplier of last resort" to the Tricon mill. That would be a much different objective. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Lets see, you only saw what you wanted as usual, took things out of context and jumped to conclusions, which is starting to seem the norm. Re-read my post, and look at it as an opinion, nothing more. It is what they should be doing, but because of politics and sticking their fingers in the air, they have veered onto other tangents away from what they really should be doing. What they do with some individual company shouldn’t bother you any way; you still have all the luxuries that logging and mining provide. Your computer alone proves that.
One last thing, I find that when one is starting to lose on a debate on this board, they start going after ones english, I will thank you for proving that one, once again with your opening line.