Has this happened to you?


Feb 18, 2002
Hey all,
Last night someone decided to steal a bunch of my sheds from my yard. Has this ever happened to you? They made off with most of my fresh elk sheds that I found last year, i guess its my own fault for leaving them in a pile next to my house. Still can't believe someone had the balls to do it.

Sounds like a bad deal. I have a few shed in my yard and realize they may be taken. If they were more important to me I would have them in the house or in the shed. It is too bad it happened, but it is best to keep them out of sight if you want to keep honest people honest.
Best of luck getting back out there and replinishing the stash.
That sucks, but I'm not surprised. I definately wouldn't leave anything I care about out in the yard. The money would be too much temptation for some jerks.

Ya that must suck man whoever it was knew they could get money for them . Sorry man maybe you might find out who did it . Good luck !!

i had a pile of hard whites taken off my front porch one night, i forgot they were out there. i got up the next morning and followed a trail of horns out the front of my yard and onto the street.there was only 15 to 20 horns therebut the point is.......you cant hardly trust anyone anymore and that sucks.....
my parents had sheds and traps that they had hung out front for a western theme..they left idaho city for 2 days and both their sheds and traps were gone when they returned..
LAME! I have a pile of chewed whites and browns out front. The only prob I"ve had so far is having the neighboorhood dogs haul off some deer horns. I'll see them laying in peoples front lawns around the neighboorhood! :0)

That sucks man!
I've had dogs take some of my sheds but I don't put anything out in the yard that is worth a dam. If I were you I would set up a little trap. Wait for the basterds and give em an arse woppen.
You guys think dogs really like antlers? :rolleyes: :D

Have you tried looking up antler buyers in your area to see if any of your shed have been sold? Depending on the "street value" of all that bone you might have a case for the cops, especially if your thief sold then to someone who can (or will) give a description.

Good Luck
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