Hard Questions for Mr. Newberg About Fouled Moose Kill, Season 8, Episode 1

Mr. Respectful, now realizing I have nothing to hide and beginning to see he has headed down the wrong trail, tries to rationalize his accusations.

From: Rob Shaul <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 2:46 PM
To: Randy Newberg <[email protected]>
Cc: James Howell <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Randy Newberg Suspicious Wyoming Elk Tag Draws, 2013-2017 - Did You Purchase Points to Apply as a Party?

Mr. Newberg -

We appreciate your direct answers to our specific and direct questions.

We were aware of your other draw success in Wyo - deer and antelope - but only the elk party draws raised questions. As you noted in your response, you receive dozens of requests each year from strangers to share their points in exchange for your experience.

It's not Mountain Pursuit investigating your film permits.

We'll call tomorrow.

- Rob
Mr. Newberg -

We were disappointed with your 470+ yard, unethical shot at a Bull Moose in BC in Season 8, Episode 1 of Fresh Tracks - and have some hard questions for you:

When you shot the moose at the end of this episode, you admit that the shooting conditions were "bad" and that they bull was "way, way out there" at 470+ yards. Yet you took, by our count, 5 shots, including one that hit the animal's antlers. Clearly, this moose was outside of your ethical shooting range and this "messy" kill was hard to watch.

So why did you take the shot?

Based on your comments after the kill, it's clear that you had some remorse.

In hindsight, do you regret taking the shot and if you had to do it again, would you shoot?

Did the pressure to create content for your TV show cause you to take an unethical shot?

Anti-hunters can now take your actions from this episode and use it against hunting. Anti-hunters can easily make the argument that if a celebrity, experienced, professional hunter like Randy Newberg will readily take an unethical shot, what does that say about the average Joe hunter with less experience?

Given what happened, why did you not cut this this unethical shot and messy kill from episode 1 footage?

Certainly your team could have edited the video to leave the moose kill out and not hand anti-hunting footage to the anti-hunting movement.

- Rob Shaul
Go to hell Rob you are such a troll. How about you open wilderness areas to the public.
And here is how the phone call went. Rob did all the talking. He refused to tell me where he got his intel. I asked how he got my draw information and he explained he made an information request of WY G&F.

When asked why he didn't focus on the times when I had more points, he had no answer. When I told him that everyone of these people were family, long-time friends, or Hunt Talk members, he had no reply.

When I told him that I get tons of requests to do just what he suspected, he made up some bullshit reason for making these accusations.

I told him it was tax season and I had a lot better things to do than worry about shit like this. He could have cared less. To the credit of his fellow Board Member, James, I don't know that James said more than a sentence.

So Rob, I've let you express your opinions about media and my activities since you joined. You've done everything you possibly could to try to get me to ban you for having different opinions. I don't ban people for different opinions.

I do ban people for making false accusations against other members. I ban people who cannot follow the rules, though I have given you more leash than any habitual offender of our Terms of Use. I sometimes ban people for being distractions and using this forum to promote their own agendas.

I was not going to post the 2019 email and phone exchanges where you accused me of a lot of BS things that turned out to be completely false. But, since you cannot leave well enough alone, I decided to post them here.

Now, you can go to some other platform and make your claim that Randy Newberg banned you for whatever reason you want to manufacture, implying that it was differences of opinion. Your temptation signature line is now a reality. Go to the next forum that hasn't banned you and make a big deal of it.

You got banned because you can't follow the rules. You got banned because truth is not a currency that you deal in. You got banned because you want to use the platforms you so despise as a mechanism to promote your own agenda.

Run along now and tell your IG audience what bad guy I am.

I read this thread this morning and it got me to thinking about descriptive adjectives.
I have heard of ***holes. I have heard of ***hats.
Given mtnpriest’s username, I would like to coin a new descriptive adjective in his honor. Could he be considered an ***hill?
Mr. Shaul certainly comes across as a pathetic, bitter and petty Karen. Big Fin class act all the way, especially in light of the ridiculous BS you had already endured from this jack wagon, my hats off to you sir.
I Can’t imagine the level of douche-baggery in Board meetings at mountain purist priest pursuit...

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