Handicaped or just lazy ?


New member
Dec 11, 2000
What do you think ,are the people that use or cart's or wheelchair's handicap or just lazy .

Quote by Ithaca
["Maybe we can make another topic outta riding carts at WalMart, but we all know that many of those riders have no handicap except laziness, and that's not an official handicap. Ever watched someone park in a regular parking spot (not the handicapped ones), walk across the parking lot, into the store and plop down in a cart? The ones who do have some handicap certainly deserve to ride."]

[" I'll never understand why some people think they have to ride everywhere, even around the aisles at WalMart. And we hear everyday what lousy physical shape Americans are in!"]

There are many medical problem's that a person can have that could require the use of a cart, not just being lazy!!!!!!!!!

We all understand there are people that are going to cheat and break the law,but how far do we go in pointing the finger at someone when we do not know for sure if they have done so?
Do we ban all cart's so that no one can cheat?

[ 03-25-2004, 08:18: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]
Well i do wonder why all of the handicapped parking spots are taken, and then nobody is using the electric carts at the store. But here is what i do, i have a handicapped placard for my vehicles, but if all of the handicapped parking spots are taken then i take what is best for me, i also use the electric carts in the stores, if they don`t have them then i usually don`t shop there,however i do have to tell you that these electric carts are a lifesaver[legsaver] for me, i can walk about 75-100 yrds before the pain is unbearable [bad hip], but if i have a good leg day i don`t use them for just a few items, i also have a "Champ" permit from game & fish that allows me certain things like shooting from my truck, but i would rather get into a good spot and sit "ambush" my game. as far as most are "lazy" yes i think alot of handicapped feel sorry for themselves and can do much more than they realize, as i hardly ever fail to fill a big game tag. Maybee some people have a higher tolerance for pain than others? who knows?
I spent a year and a half in Transits Handicapped Division. I transported people with disabilities. The more severe the disability the nicer the people. There were some passengers that were just too dang fat to walk, that was their only handicap. There was one woman, was so fat she had to get off the wheel chair, so the lift could lift the chair, then she would get on and we would pick her up. The lift on the bus couldn lift her fat ass. I never ever picked her up any place other than a resturant. Those people were miserable, all they had to do was loose weight. The ones with Spinal Bifida, MS, etc. were real nice. Most of the time I took them to WORK. They all had jobs.
Dont get me started about people at WalMart's ;)

But the electric carts are supposed to be for those who actually need them. I have seen people who are lazy use them. (I know them personally and regret being related to a few of em).

They are abused just like everything always is.
I think it's great that electric carts are provided in many stores for handicapped people.

Obesity is fast becoming the biggest health problem in the US. One of the best cures is more exercise and less calories. Some people use those carts because they're just too lazy to walk, and walking would be the best thing they could do for themselves. Here's some info from today's news:

"Experts weigh in on America's obesity problem
Focus on prevention, nationwide education efforts"

There are far too many lazy slobs that ride instead of walk. When I first started to read the post I thought it was sort of funny. But then realized that this is not funny and is a very serious issue.

Doug, you crack me up. :D :D :D
Hey, I'm overweight, but understand it is MY fault. I deal with it and am working to make myself better. I agree with the sentiments that many of the cart users are just handicapped because they are too friendly with Little Debbie and Sara Lee. IMO, laziness isn't a disease but a short-coming that can be changed.

There are some that are wanting to get being overweight classified as a disease. Can you imagine the $$$ insurance companies would have to spend if that goes through!!!
Everytime I see one I think of the Seinfield episode when George ends up getting a cart and his own personal bathroom at his work. It ends with him getting chased by some old farts on their carts, so he ends up getting off his , picks it up and starts running with it under his arm, of course he runs into his boss. That is one of the funniest shows I've seen.
I think it's funny that this post is running at the same time as my post about my weight loss. I never rode in a Wal-Mart cart - I swear! :D
I was offered by my doctor to get a placard but refused. I can get around fine and if I am haveing a bad day I push through. I think most of the folks that I see are lazy. I saw a woman today that was big and had 4 or 5 kids hanging off her, their cart was full of crap.

While on the subject what about the people that get placards for their cars?? I work with a woman that states she has a bad back and demands to park in the closest spot. but she is on her jet ski every weekend or out four wheeling. I feel this is wrong.
I don't see many people in the carts at Walmart here, the few that do jump on them really seem to need them, the only thing that irratates me about it is that they won't slide to the edge when looking at things but need to take up the whole isle and create road blocks every where they run their tractors thru the store...
There a certainly a bunch of people who don`t need the placards for handicapped parking, and i think alot of doctors give them out to freely, what i see is many of the handicapped parking spaces full, but nobody using the electric carts, now if most were truly handicapped and they need to park close to the store it would seem to me that they would also need the carts.i have seen young kids parking in the handicapped space and run into the store! and i have never seen any enforcment [tickets] given to abusers.i guess its like the Atv`s if there is no enforcement, then people take advantage.
The only time I have seen someone get a ticket was when a guy I worked with forgot to put his placard in his window, he came out of the office in his chair yelling at the "parking enforcement" officer. She told him he had to go to court for the ticket. He went to court and the judge told him to go home and not worry about the ticket as he was paralyzed and needed the parking spot. Most times The people I see using the handicapped parking or the electric carts at the store are extremely overweight. I think that the parking spaces and electric carts shoud be for those who truly need them.
Over in Woodinville Washington many years ago, I had a friend in my truck who could have used one but didn't, just as we were walking by a handicapped spot, two boy's pulled into one and started walking in, my friend told them they should move, all he got was a f*** you. He smiled as the boy's walked into the restuarant as he pulled out his cell phone, made a call and we went in and sat down by a window to watch the show. It wasn't five minutes and an officer pulled in, wrote a ticket, went in, forced the boy's to move their car and drove away....
All my friend could say was f*** me huh!!! ;)
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