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Hammer Bullets - what makes them so great?

Was the whole shoulder scrapped or did you still get meat off of it? With heavier Barnes I generally only lose a few inches around the hole.
Very little meat was lost...the area around the broken bones was cut out because I didn't want to risk eating bone shards but otherwise barely any due to blood shot. I used to have a pic of the damage but I think I deleted them when my google cloud got too full
I shot this group at 200 meters and 3 more just like it on Sunday. Not bad for a “junk” Remington 700 topped with a 3-9 redfield revolution scope. 7mm08 with 120 hammer hunters. This has been typical of what I have seen from hammers with our out of the box rifles at 200 meters.


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I shot this group at 200 meters and 3 more just like it on Sunday. Not bad for a “junk” Remington 700 topped with a 3-9 redfield revolution scope. 7mm08 with 120 hammer hunters. This has been typical of what I have seen from hammers with our out of the box rifles at 200 meters.
Well, that may be a problem. Honey, those factory rifles just don't shoot good; you wouldn't want me wounding game would you? ;)
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I shot this group at 200 meters and 3 more just like it on Sunday. Not bad for a “junk” Remington 700 topped with a 3-9 redfield revolution scope. 7mm08 with 120 hammer hunters. This has been typical of what I have seen from hammers with our out of the box rifles at 200 meters.
Shitty; doesn't shoot good. I'll buy it off you for 400
Didn't chrono yet, and it was windy, but this is 31 gr Hammer Hunter with 8208 XBR. Dakota Varminter .204. It clearly likes them on the hot side. No pressure signs though. Amazing how a small difference in charge affects things. And doesn't matter what it would do without wind, because, as if. That's a 5 shot group. Oh, and Leupold VX5HD 3-15x44 from @schmalts . It was sighted in with factory ammo, 1 1/2" high. We had a pretty steady mild, but gusty, right to left wind today. Bounced around fields all summer shooting Vmax, but wanted to see what the Hammers would do.


  • Hammer Hunter 31 gr .204.jpg
    Hammer Hunter 31 gr .204.jpg
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For my part, Hammers give excellent terminal performance (at least on the 2 elk and 1 bear I've taken with the 131gr Hammer Hunters from my 7mm08), downright surprising muzzle velocities, and very good manufacturing consistency. Add on supporting a small local business that has managed to maintain availability through the recent economic shocks, and it's no surprise to me that they've gained a big following.

Oh and not to mention perfectly reasonable prices for high-quality copper bullets, often beating out the big boys on price which is economically very impressive. (cf $1.17 for 131gr 7mm Hammer Hunter vs $1.50 for Nosler 140gr etips at the moment)
Every gun is different just gotta find what works for your gun. While it can be a challenging head scratcher at times....... I always learn in the process and come better on the end and understand my rifles better. What works and what doesn't work (always learn more from this)
I'm late to the game here, but will share my experience with the 267 gr HHT out of my 338 RUM this past season. Took 4 animals (two antlerless elk, one whitetail buck, and doe antelope) all between 400 and 420 yards. All were pass throughs. At that distance, I can't say they worked better than any other bullet, but loading was extremely easy with RL-23. Great speeds and good accuracy.

I like to try different projectiles, so I may stray from them this year, but my experience has been pretty favorable so far.

Out of laziness - here is my thread documenting the results. A little too much effort to repost!

Sorry if I am a little late on this, but when did the Stone Hammer line come out and has anyone used them with success? Any preference over the hammer hunter for typical hunting (whitetail/ elk)?
Sorry if I am a little late on this, but when did the Stone Hammer line come out and has anyone used them with success? Any preference over the hammer hunter for typical hunting (whitetail/ elk)?
I think Stone hammers are just renamed Shock hammers...there was some trademark issues last I heard
Sorry if I am a little late on this, but when did the Stone Hammer line come out and has anyone used them with success? Any preference over the hammer hunter for typical hunting (whitetail/ elk)?
Yeah I killed a whitetail button buck with a 116gr Stone (then called Shock Hammers) in 2021. It was out of a custom 25-06. 115 yards.


It hit pressure wayyyy sooner than I thought it would though.

I bought some 307 gr to try in my 404 Jeffery. They didn't group worth beans. I'll order some 325 gr and see if they do better. I think if the velocity is held down, they will probably be less explosive on impact. I'm glad Hammer does offer something besides 400 gr. That is a limitation with most manufacturers. With new copper bullets I don't think 400 gr is necessary, even for dangerous game. I killed two Cape buffalo very thoroughly with mere 250 gr Barnes TSX out of 375 H&H. 404 Jeffery could be a serious competitor with 45-70 on this side of the pond if there is more variety for bullets available. 300 gr bullets whizzing along at 2600 fps should provide enough punch and milage for North American game and African plains game.

Now I'm wondering. Aren't they monolithic bullet's? And they make a mess inside the game? Anyway people are gonna like what they like. I could use pretty explosive bullets on most game and kill all with one shot without losing a lot of meat, just depends on where you place the bullet! Of course the same can be said of using FMJ's. What a bullet does on game depends on the bullet you choose and how YOU place it!

It does seem like guys using them really like them though. I remember when guy's had the same feeling about partition bullet's, lot of guys still feel that way about partitions! Myself I feel that way about Hornady Interlock's and Speer Hot Core's! Depends on the bullet you select and where you place it!
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Have thoroughly enjoyed loading Hammers this summer. Definitely accurate and easy to load. Almost so accurate it’s hard for me to make a decision on which load to go with. That ES I have no doubt was due to my lack of truly accurate powder measuring.

Loved being able to call Hammer, getting an answer on the second ring, and chatting for 10 minutes about some issues I was having. Super friendly team up there.

My dad also ordered me some Maker bullets to try, also a pure copper bullet, little different school of thought with the fragmentation vs holding together.
Ya know from what I've read there is a reason they are so popular. The company really seems to care about their customer's questions.
Now I'm wondering. Aren't they monolithic bullet's? And they make a mess inside the game? Anyway people are gonna like what they like. I could use pretty explosive bullets on most game and kill all with one shot without losing a lot of meat, just depends on where you place the bullet! Of course the same can be said of using FMJ's. What a bullet does on game depends on the bullet you choose and how YOU place it!

It does seem like guys using them really like them though. I remember when guy's had the same feeling about partition bullet's, lot of guys still feel that way about partitions! Myself I feel that way about Hornady Interlock's and Speer Hot Core's! Depends on the bullet you select and where you place it!
"Explosive" bullets can be placed well but difficult to predict how/where exit performance. Place it behind front shoulder and it comes out opposite shoulder leaving a hole the size of a cantaloupe.

Just saw this video the other day. Pretty poor look for ethical hunting in my opinion and certainly makes me less likely to purchase Hammers. Anyone know any more info on this?

Just saw this video the other day. Pretty poor look for ethical hunting in my opinion and certainly makes me less likely to purchase Hammers. Anyone know any more info on this?
This is the whole episode. mtmuley
This is the whole episode. mtmuley
Is there a photo op with the baby tho.
I’ve got some 75 grain hht for the 243 coming to test out. If I don’t like them I’ll fall back on the 108 eldm
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