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Habitat Montana Under Attack - All Hands on Deck

If the bill comes out of committee after the hunters & anglers of Montana showed up, in force, with only 22 hours notice, then we need to raise the roof.
HB 651 passed out of House Natural Resources after a spirited debate.

Rep. Kelly Flynn was the only republican who voted against the program. He deserves our thanks. So does Rep. Zach Brown, who fought for hunters, anglers & Habitat Montana. Rep. Flynn's rational was excellent as well.

Light 'em up.

Load for bear.

Protect Habitat Montana.

Should be on the floor on Tuesday.
So after all the testimony, emails and calls in opposition to this the citizens of mt were just given the middle finger by our employees! It must be nice too be soooo much smarter than their constituents.
Not what I wanted to be doing this morning, but I watched the executive action for this bill.

Flynn mentioned his concerns with the funding source, that it was going to be tough to overcome and he couldn't support the bill.

Then Wylie Galt let fly,
The landowner/hunter problem is a growing rift. Lot of the opponents came up here, said how great this Habitat for Humanity (yes, that is exactly what he said, instead of Habitat Montana). I would disagree. As a landowner who deals with hunters, every year I dread hunting season more and more. The hunters are becoming more rude, more blatant. What needs to happen is we need to get these people together, we need to have them actually come talk to the landowners. So for that I'm going to support this bill for hopefully some kind of change like this will get something like that to happen. Because if we don't start doing something, its only going to get worse.

Flynn suggested PR dollars instead of Habitat Montana funding. He held up a stack of messages in opposition and said,
Look at this, 100s and 100s and 100s more. And I absolutely know after being in the discussions with Rep. Regier, he is in earnest to solve the problem. And every body in here is in earnest to solve the problem. If we take it to a funding source that is a, you know I think we have a chance of maybe, getting some dollars out of there, that I think it has the potential to solve the problem, answer the concerns of some of the folks around here, alleviate the concerns from the other folks and at the end of the day, the winners will be the public, so that would be my suggestion Mr. Chair.

White said he resisted putting any kind of conceptual amendment on this, didn't want to delay this, wanted to get it passed. So they voted - 8 yes, 7 no. Flynn voted against it.
Then Wylie Galt let fly,
The landowner/hunter problem is a growing rift. Lot of the opponents came up here, said how great this Habitat for Humanity (yes, that is exactly what he said, instead of Habitat Montana). I would disagree. As a landowner who deals with hunters, every year I dread hunting season more and more. The hunters are becoming more rude, more blatant. What needs to happen is we need to get these people together, we need to have them actually come talk to the landowners. So for that I'm going to support this bill for hopefully some kind of change like this will get something like that to happen. Because if we don't start doing something, its only going to get worse.

Change the first name to Jack, go back 40 years, and it would seem the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Rep. Flynn was able to get the bill reconsidered for committee action today. He is working on amendments, and while these are well intended, we don't believe that this bill can be amended to be sufficient to cause any organization to flip to support.

This means we still have time to contact the committee and ask them to vote no on the bill entirely. 406-444-4800. Light them up.
Status now says - Tabled in Committee

I just listened to the executive action.

Flynn's amendment about funding did not pass.

They then voted for a do pass, this time the 8 to 7 was against.

They unanimously voted to table.

Great job everyone.
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Ben and Kat and the rest of you guys are really amazing to be able to make hunters voices heard.
Hearing that there will be an attempt to revive this bad idea tomorrow at 11 am during a special meeting of the House Natural Resources committee.

I guess they didn't hear us the first time.

Drop the hammer. Keep calls in. The attacks against hunters and anglers are getting out of control again.
Hearing that there will be an attempt to revive this bad idea tomorrow at 11 am during a special meeting of the House Natural Resources committee.

I guess they didn't hear us the first time.

Drop the hammer. Keep calls in. The attacks against hunters and anglers are getting out of control again.

If this keeps up, they're going to catch on to the "307" area code...and quit answering the phone.
If this keeps up, they're going to catch on to the "307" area code...and quit answering the phone.

It would be great for non-residents to call 406-444-4800 and ask the House Natural Resources committee to kill the bill. Habitat Montana is funded by 92% NR funds.

I would be great for Montanans to call and send a message as well.
It would be great for non-residents to call 406-444-4800 and ask the House Natural Resources committee to kill the bill. Habitat Montana is funded by 92% NR funds.

I would be great for Montanans to call and send a message as well.
Interesting juxtaposition to another active thread...
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