H.R. 1106 Conveyance of small parcels of National Forest and BLM to private...

Official Title as Introduced:

To provide for the conveyance of small parcels of National Forest System land and small parcels of public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management to private landowners, State, county, and local governments, or Indian tribes whose lands share a boundary with the National Forest System land or public lands, and for other purposes.

No text yet. You can keep track of it here ----> https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1106/titles?r=94

Can't imagine what Amodei has in store with this one. Wonder what will qualify as "small parcels?" Maybe this is the "Adjacent Landowners want to buy the Durfee Hills and I'm here to help them Act."
Think the worst and if it happens we are ready. If it turns out better or even good we're all surprised. (Paraphrase Mark Twain). GJ
I don't like to judge a book by the cover...but the title on this one is offensive enough! I've already emailed my Congresswoman.
I see the name was changed to "Small Tracts Conveyance Act". They removed all of the public/land/sale/transfer keywords so you can't search for it anymore.

The size of a parcel has little to do with it's value. If you look at the BLM management plans and the disposable tracts list, you can see that the BLM doesn't understand that.

I have utilized a few acre sliver-shaped parcel of public land to access 1000s of acres beyond under different ownership. I often utilize a 20 acre BLM parcel to access a creek near my home. Additionally, many different small parcels may have more than a corner of overlap to provide contiguity, and thus access to the creative and researched recreationist.


These types of parcel sales/swaps need to be done on a case by case basis, with public input, and recreation as one of the chief considerations. Not wholesale divestiture decided upon the the local BLM office. Because after looking at their Disposable Parcels list, it's obvious we can't leave it up to them.
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I see the name was changed to "Small Tracts Conveyance Act". They removed all of the public/land/sale/transfer keywords so you can't search for it anymore.

This! These buggers are smart (in the sense that they know how to play the game), they'll continue to try to stay hidden from us because they know we can stop them. As they adapt, we have to adapt even faster.
From the text. My emphasis added - "(1) ACREAGE.—An eligible Federal lands parcel conveyed under this section may not exceed 160 acres unless a request for additional acreage is approved by the Director concerned or the Regional Forester concerned."

So, it sound to me like it could be any amount of property.
Awful bill.

160 acres is a big parcel. Plus, many small parcels could add up to 160 acres. And again, a little parcel could be incredibly valuable.

(3) ELIGIBLE FEDERAL LANDS PARCEL.—The term “eligible Federal lands parcel” means a parcel of National Forest System land or the public lands that—

(A) shares one or more boundaries with non-Federal land;

(B) is located within the boundaries of an incorporated or unincorporated area with a population of at least 500 residents;

(C) is not subject to existing rights held by a non-Federal entity;

(D) does not contain an exceptional resource; and

(E) is not habitat for an endangered species or a threatened species determined under section 4 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1533).

(4) EXCEPTIONAL RESOURCE.—The term “exceptional resource” means a resource of scientific, historic, cultural, or recreational value on a parcel of public lands that the Director concerned or Regional Forester concerned determines, on the record and after an opportunity for a hearing—

(A) is documented by a Federal, State, or local governmental authority; and

(B) requires extraordinary conservation and protection to maintain the resource for the benefit of the public.
This bill is a disaster. I can think of many small parcels that are worth millions because of their strategic location. They would be sold for pennies on the dollar only to make developers rich. Think of how many small parcels are used for river access.
I want to thank everyone on here and elsewhere who continue to help inform. I have been disgusted with the treatment of public land and will continue to educate myself and others on these issues and hope to be a contributing factor someday in securing access to public land for all outdoor enthusiasts. I have learned TONS since joining this site...which was less than a month ago. Again, THANK YOU!
It won't do any good to contact Amodei or Heller as I live here in Nevada and have contacted both of them.I was told by both of them they will vote to transfer land here in Nevada if THEY think it is good for the interest of the state or public.
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I want to thank everyone on here and elsewhere who continue to help inform. I have been disgusted with the treatment of public land and will continue to educate myself and others on these issues and hope to be a contributing factor someday in securing access to public land for all outdoor enthusiasts. I have learned TONS since joining this site...which was less than a month ago. Again, THANK YOU!

The more like-minded people that know about this hydra-headed land grabbing administration, the better we can oppose it. If you can enlist some others to make calls/send emails, that would help. Grass roots.
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