H E L P!!!


New member
Jan 22, 2008
HI everybody in compture land!!! Im looking for some do it your selfers who has hunted the SELWAY AREA that dont mind sharing a spot or so!!! Ive talked too fish & game and all I got was that it was BIG COUNTRY. Are there camp sites avalible? how are the roads? ATV capable? Can you rent horses out there? From pictures of there it seems too be pretty thick country. I have tons of ?'s guy's so bear with me Thank You For Your Time:confused:
"ATV capable?" No. It's wilderness. The few access roads have campsites available but they fill up fast. If your thinking about using horses, consider a drop camp. Then you don't have to mess with them the entire hunt.
Big Country is an understatement. They should have told you BIG STEEP NASTY AND THICK. BHR's suggestion of a drop camp is probably the best way to go. I packed in with a buddy who had a goat tag this year. Had to screw around with my horses Hihgline and walk to water etc. and then walk one 6 miles out after he drove a stick thorugh his shoulder in the middle of the Night ( Plus 200 dollar vet bill).
Once your in there it is mostly foot hunting fighting your way from avalanche slid to the next burn throuh thick tangled cover. It is an adventure and game totals have dropped with the wolf populations rising. But still an adventure any hardcore hunter should try once or twice.
I live here and have been there off and on. I use pack llamas and am not intimidated by the physical efforts, which cannot be overstated. Believe that. I hunt there rarely. There are too many wolves and other better spots for game.

BUT, not trying to pick a fight, if you need ask about roads, campgrounds and ATVs, Idaho's wilderness areas are NOT for you. The true wilderness areas are dangerous. I don't mean because of the wolves, lions or bears. The weather and the mountains can kill someone......and do every year.
Sorry it too long but GUYS Im not scared!!!! This is'nt my first rodeo!! Okay is there anybody that is'nt local that can feed me some info anybody??? Is there any guides reading this?
Hey DJ, where you coming from?

None of these guy's would steer you wrong or try to give you undue advise...

Get a mapping system of the regions (Delorm/Mapquest/National Geographic) and check it out for yourself...

I'd also purchase a BLM map of the region you’re going into

Any of the wilderness areas in the country aren't going to allow motorized vehicles, if this is what your intending to hunt

Most people that live out in these regions have worked hard to find a "spot", so are pretty leery about just giving out coordinates to some one who is just posting a question off the net

I can tell you one thing, there are elk all over the place, you just need to learn what to look for to find them

I'll give you a little advise on that...

If it's early in the season, look to the cooler sides of the hills for bedding areas

Look for parks (big open areas) that you can glass first thing in the morning and late in the afternoon (feeding areas)

The parks seem to be better if there's sage in them

One big thing, don't be disappointed if your not successful

If your new to elk hunting and a do it yourselfer, there will be a lot of learning lessons before you start to get elk consistently

Good luck
Thanks ELKCHSR Im from NEVADA Its not thick as IDAHO but its pretty steep.I understand people arent going to give up there honey hole That not what im looking for I dont want there GPS cord... I would like to meet and talk to people who arent worried abot that stuff!!!! like me you pull a tag here in NV I would gladly help out its takes 2 to 5 yrs to draw any tag here...So its not going to hurt me any. Ive hunt ELK a few yrs so I guess Im still wet behind the ears!!!! Well Ive gone threw Bitterroot Elk Services for my drop camp sept 30 so hopfuly we will do well and have a great hunt But i will still take anybodies tips or tricks!!!! THANKS AGAIN
I've found an area that has treated me very well in Idaho. Found it in 2003 and hunted it 03-04-05-06-07.I didn't take anyone in there until 07. Took 7 bulls out of the area. It is a permit area. The best Bull had a green score of 346 7/8 nontip. Outlaw
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