Caribou Gear Tarp

Guy Eastman is Full of *#%@

Nice work Dan. Another great archery buck. I need to get my butt over there one of these days so you can show me how its done!
Nice buck, story and pics.

Don't you guys hunt where you can drive right up to 'em to load? ;)

The brown grass in your pic looks like the very brittle stuff I was in last weekend in WY. Man is it dry out there. If it's not irrigated, it ain't green.
Done it a couple times with an old Badlands 2200 before I knew any better. Sucked! But now, with a Crew Cab, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.


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Nice lopes guys, and you really should take the 20 minutes to bone out the animal, it's much, much easier!!

No kidding, I agree 100% Talk about bringing out a bunch of useless weight! Even if you just quartered it the task would be soooo much easier!

Work smarter not harder.
No kidding, I agree 100% Talk about bringing out a bunch of useless weight! Even if you just quartered it the task would be soooo much easier!

Work smarter not harder.

Trust me, I am a firm believer in quartering and am actually pretty good at it, and pretty fast thanks to my several years butchering wild game to put myself through college.

In this case, it was in the mid 80's and the truck wasn't super far away, and since I wasn't to far from town, I figured the quicker I could get it in the buthcher's cooler, the better.
I packed out a whitetail buck out of the brush of NE WA a few years ago. I did have my pack frame, put the front half in a game bag and the head on the frame, hmm, not too heavy, on went the back half. Grunt. Tripped and fell flat on my face halfway out, did an inventory of appendages, staggered back to me feet and fought the brush for another half mile to the truck. I was younger then.
Lol nice goat..... I tried both my bulls hinds at the same time before I stepped on my tounge because I was bent over so far I was licking pine needles took about 150yds lol
Elkwhisper, game carts make quick work of those short trips.

LOL @ Case and gman, I've been there with you guys when it comes to packing out elk!

As far as Guy Eastman goes, the jury is out, I've never met him. I did meet his dad, Mike, back in the mid 90's and I thought he was a pompous @$$! If you weren't hunting "HIS" way, you weren't hunting. I do get the impression that Guy is a chip off the 'ole block though.