Gun Regulation Survey

OK I supposse I'll put it out there. I admit some of these are not mere YES/NO arguments for me because the answers to some of these issues are complicated to handle. In the interest of keeping to the spirit of this thread, I'll try to keep my clarifications brief.

0. YES, the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.
1. YES, current limits on automatic weapons should remain in place?
2. NO, current persons ineligible to possess firearms should remin in place? Mostly yes, but admittedly there are some states rights (such as having legal marijuanna) that need to be reconciled with federal law. I also feel like there should be a path towards right restoration that simply does not exist today.
3. YES, current dealer background check rules should remain in place?
4. YES, current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place?
5. YES, the current approach to background checks should be extended to cover all transfers between non-family members ("universal background checks")?
6. YES and NO, we should have a mandatory federal gun owner's registry to further enable "universal background checks"? This one is actually tough. If you believe "yes"on 5 as I do you obviously run into the issue of enforcement. I can't see a way you enforce 5 without universal records and I can't not see the obvoius peril of our government having way too much information about its populace. If there was a way to mask it and constitutionally protect the data so that it could not be used unless it was in an active criminal investigation I might be ok with that, but out government does not have the best track record of not peeking behind the curtain. So the whole thing is a problem I don't know how to solve.
7. NO, even intra-family transfers should be subject to "universal background checks"?
8. NO, even lending weapons between friends/family at a range or while hunting should be subject to prior "universal background checks"?
9. NO, if there is a delay in background check results should the current 3 day "free pass" rule be extended to 14 days?
10. YES and NO, in addition to our existing civil commitment laws, should there be additional "red flag" laws allowing for pre-adjudicated confiscation of firearms? Again this one is an issue. I'd say yes more than no, but we need to keep a close eye on how this is used and rigorously push back on any abuse to it.
11. NO, should all firearm purchases be subject to a 7 or 14 day waiting period?
12. NO, online sales of firearms through FFLs should be banned?
13. NO, online sales of ammunition directly to the home should be banned?
14. YES and NO, ownership of a gun should require pre-registration/permit? Logically, yeah. Constitutionally, NO.
15. NO, purchase of ammunition should require pre-registration/permit or background check?
16. Let's redifine this one, semi-auto rifles capable of accepting high capacity mags (>10) and having other functional "attributes associated with military assault rifles" should be banned? I'll admit that I just can't answer this one as stated. For fun, let's just define "assault rifles" as any centerfire rifle that can accept a magazine (or stipper clip), and fires semi-automatically. If we worded it that way I still would not support an out and out ban. I would however support turning this into an NFA item. I own one myself, I love it. I'm getting my FFL and becoming an SOT so I can build them and sell them legally.
17. NO, all large capacity (>10 round) magazines for rifles, shotguns or handguns should be banned (not including traditional rimfire tube magazines)? No, if you fix 16 this is no longer an issue. If you don't then my view is not quite YES/NO. On a pistol, absolutley not, on a long gun I can see the logic at least.
18. YES, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession? But let's use common sense to define possession.
19. YES, in locations where the presence of minors is common or foreseeable, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession? See comment for 18 and remove "but" and "to define possession".
20. NO, all new firearms should be required to incorporate "smart gun lockouts" by 2030? If the worked 100% of the time I'd be personally into the idea, but no mandate and they do not work 100% of the time.
21. Mabye, the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers? If it can be shown that they were doing something that knowingly put the public at risk from unlawful use, yeah. But that would be a stretch to prove in court. I don't think we should offer them any more protection than they already have though.
22. NO, there should be a wholesale repeal of "stand your ground" laws?
23. YES, regulation should further limit parts or modifications, such as bump stocks or 80% lowers that are primarily sold to avoid other gun control regulations?
24. YES, the right to carry a handgun on a "shall issue" basis should be universal across the 50 states?
25. NO, the open carry of semi-automatic rifles in public areas such as streets, parks and stores should be unlawful?
26. YES, suppressors should be removed from governace of the NFA and be sold like any other firearm accessory?
27. NO, current limits on short barrelled shotguns should remain in place?
28. YES, current limits on short barrelled rifles should remain in place? I only say yes because of the existence of the 300 blackout and because I believe silencers (yes I can call them that because the NFA does) should be an off the shelf item. I don't want someone to get a movie quiet rifle without going through the NFA process.
29. NO, gun ownership should be restrict below the age of 21 rather than 18?
30. NO, gun purchases should be limited to one firearm per month? But can I say yes for the year of 2021 just so I can find the darn pistol I am looking for?
Easier question to survey is:

Are you American or a communist?

LMAO just kidding.

Just trying to lighten things up a little.
0. YES the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.
1. YES current limits on automatic weapons should remain in place?
2. YES with caveats, current persons ineligible to possess firearms should remin in place?
3. YES current dealer background check rules should remain in place?
4. NO, current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place?
5. NO the current approach to background checks should be extended to cover all transfers between non-family members ("universal background checks")?
6. NO, we should have a mandatory federal gun owner's registry to further enable "universal background checks"?
7. NO, even intra-family transfers should be subject to "universal background checks"?
8. NO, even lending weapons between friends/family at a range or while hunting should be subject to prior "universal background checks"?
9. YES if there is a delay in background check results should the current 3 day "free pass" rule be extended to 14 days?
10.NO, in addition to our existing civil commitment laws, should there be additional "red flag" laws allowing for pre-adjudicated confiscation of firearms?
11.NO, should all firearm purchases be subject to a 7 or 14 day waiting period?
12. NO, online sales of firearms through FFLs should be banned?
13. NO, online sales of ammunition directly to the home should be banned?
14.NO, ownership of a gun should require pre-registration/permit?
15. NO, purchase of ammunition should require pre-registration/permit or background check?
16.NO, semi-auto rifles capable of accepting high capacity mags (>10) and having other functional "attributes associated with military assault rifles" should be banned?
17. NO, all large capacity (>10 round) magazines for rifles, shotguns or handguns should be banned (not including traditional rimfire tube magazines)?
18. NO, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
19.NO, in locations where the presence of minors is common or foreseeable, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
20.NO, all new firearms should be required to incorporate "smart gun lockouts" by 2030?
21.NO, the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers?
22.NO, there should be a wholesale repeal of "stand your ground" laws?
23. YES regulation should further limit parts or modifications, such as bump stocks or 80% lowers that are primarily sold to avoid other gun control regulations?
24. YES the right to carry a handgun on a "shall issue" basis should be universal across the 50 states?
25.NO, the open carry of semi-automatic rifles in public areas such as streets, parks and stores should be unlawful?
26. YES suppressors should be removed from governace of the NFA and be sold like any other firearm accessory?
27. NO, current limits on short barrelled shotguns should remain in place?
28. NO, current limits on short barrelled rifles should remain in place?
29. NO, gun ownership should be restrict below the age of 21 rather than 18?
30. NO, gun purchases should be limited to one firearm per month?

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