PEAX Equipment

Gun Regulation Survey

0. YES or NO, the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.- this is always the dumbest argument out there. if someone can financiallya fford to purchase/upkeep something like a tank or chopper, do you really think they are going to use it for violence. in fact tanks and artillery ARE legal to won and shoot. how many times ahve they been used by criminals in real life
1. YES or NO, current limits on automatic weapons should remain in place?
2. YES or NO, current persons ineligible to possess firearms should remin in place?- CAVEAT being that someoone who has been convicted of a heinous enough crime to lose their Constitutional Righst should not ever be free again
3. YES or NO, current dealer background check rules should remain in place?
4. YES or NO, current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place?
5. YES or NO, the current approach to background checks should be extended to cover all transfers between non-family members ("universal background checks")?
6. YES or NO, we should have a mandatory federal gun owner's registry to further enable "universal background checks"? It's no business of the Government what people own
7. YES or NO, even intra-family transfers should be subject to "universal background checks"?
8. YES or NO, even lending weapons between friends/family at a range or while hunting should be subject to prior "universal background checks"?
9. YES or NO, if there is a delay in background check results should the current 3 day "free pass" rule be extended to 14 days?
10. YES or NO, in addition to our existing civil commitment laws, should there be additional "red flag" laws allowing for pre-adjudicated confiscation of firearms?
11. YES or NO, should all firearm purchases be subject to a 7 or 14 day waiting period?
12. YES or NO, online sales of firearms through FFLs should be banned?
13. YES or NO, online sales of ammunition directly to the home should be banned?
14. YES or NO, ownership of a gun should require pre-registration/permit?
15. YES or NO, purchase of ammunition should require pre-registration/permit or background check?
16. YES or NO, semi-auto rifles capable of accepting high capacity mags (>10) and having other functional "attributes associated with military assault rifles" should be banned?
17. YES or NO, all large capacity (>10 round) magazines for rifles, shotguns or handguns should be banned (not including traditional rimfire tube magazines)?
18. YES or NO, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
19. YES or NO, in locations where the presence of minors is common or foreseeable, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
20. YES or NO, all new firearms should be required to incorporate "smart gun lockouts" by 2030?
21. YES or NO, the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers?- are car makers held liable when somoene uses their product in a criminal act?
22. YES or NO, there should be a wholesale repeal of "stand your ground" laws?- most people have absolutely no undersatnding of what a "stand your ground law" actually is and base their opinion from waht they hear in the Media
23. YES or NO, regulation should further limit parts or modifications, such as bump stocks or 80% lowers that are primarily sold to avoid other gun control regulations?
24. YES or NO, the right to carry a handgun on a "shall issue" basis should be universal across the 50 states?
25. YES or NO, the open carry of semi-automatic rifles in public areas such as streets, parks and stores should be unlawful?
26. YES or NO, suppressors should be removed from governace of the NFA and be sold like any other firearm accessory?
27. YES or NO, current limits on short barrelled shotguns should remain in place?
28. YES or NO, current limits on short barrelled rifles should remain in place?- The entrie NFA needs to be repealed. in fact the entirety of the ATF should be dissolved.
29. YES or NO, gun ownership should be restrict below the age of 21 rather than 18?
30. YES or NO, gun purchases should be limited to one firearm per month?
Guns ownership is an inextricable part of public land hunting (unless we go 100% bow and arrow). As such, HT has had its fair share of "gun control good/gun control bad" arguments, but rarely does anyone take the extreme position that unlimited access to all weapons is OK, or that all guns should be banned. As with most things, the devil is in the details. The following is intended to get a sense how a fairly broad-based group of outdoorsman/woman (HuntTalk) view the various questions being bantered around various legislative bodies around the country in 2021.

I am asking that you do not debate your points, criticize the positions of other, call names, use pejorative labels like commie or facist, invoke your personal belief of what the founders intended or instruct SCOTUS on the proper reading of the 2A. If at all possible just answer YES or NO. If minor clarification or caveat for your answer is needed that is fine, but please don't "argue your point". If you feel compelled to address these topics I just asked you not to address in this thread, please start you own thread.

So, here goes:

0. YES or NO, the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.
1. YES or NO, current limits on automatic weapons should remain in place?
2. YES or NO, current persons ineligible to possess firearms should remin in place?
3. YES or NO, current dealer background check rules should remain in place?
4. YES or NO, current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place?
5. YES or NO, the current approach to background checks should be extended to cover all transfers between non-family members ("universal background checks")?
6. YES or NO, we should have a mandatory federal gun owner's registry to further enable "universal background checks"?
7. YES or NO, even intra-family transfers should be subject to "universal background checks"?
8. YES or NO, even lending weapons between friends/family at a range or while hunting should be subject to prior "universal background checks"?
9. YES or NO, if there is a delay in background check results should the current 3 day "free pass" rule be extended to 14 days?
10. YES or NO, in addition to our existing civil commitment laws, should there be additional "red flag" laws allowing for pre-adjudicated confiscation of firearms?
11. YES or NO, should all firearm purchases be subject to a 7 or 14 day waiting period?
12. YES or NO, online sales of firearms through FFLs should be banned?
13. YES or NO, online sales of ammunition directly to the home should be banned?
14. YES or NO, ownership of a gun should require pre-registration/permit?
15. YES or NO, purchase of ammunition should require pre-registration/permit or background check?
16. YES or NO, semi-auto rifles capable of accepting high capacity mags (>10) and having other functional "attributes associated with military assault rifles" should be banned?
17. YES or NO, all large capacity (>10 round) magazines for rifles, shotguns or handguns should be banned (not including traditional rimfire tube magazines)?
18. YES or NO, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
19. YES or NO, in locations where the presence of minors is common or foreseeable, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
20. YES or NO, all new firearms should be required to incorporate "smart gun lockouts" by 2030?
21. YES or NO, the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers?
22. YES or NO, there should be a wholesale repeal of "stand your ground" laws?
23. YES or NO, regulation should further limit parts or modifications, such as bump stocks or 80% lowers that are primarily sold to avoid other gun control regulations?
24. YES or NO, the right to carry a handgun on a "shall issue" basis should be universal across the 50 states?
25. YES or NO, the open carry of semi-automatic rifles in public areas such as streets, parks and stores should be unlawful?
26. YES or NO, suppressors should be removed from governace of the NFA and be sold like any other firearm accessory?
27. YES or NO, current limits on short barrelled shotguns should remain in place?
28. YES or NO, current limits on short barrelled rifles should remain in place?
29. YES or NO, gun ownership should be restrict below the age of 21 rather than 18?
30. YES or NO, gun purchases should be limited to one firearm per month?

Note: lower/upper mix-up fixed
0. YES
1. NO
2. YES
3. YES
4. NO current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place (private policy violation, but not illegal for adults otherwise unrestricted)
5. YES
6. NO
7. NO
8. NO
9. NO
10. NO
11. NO
12. NO
13. NO
14. NO
15. NO
16. NO
17. NO
18. NO (Define "secure"?)
19. NO (see 18)
20. NO (wtf is a smart gun lockout?)
21. NO
22. NO
23. NO
24. YES (universal carry)
25. NO
26. YES
27. YES
28. NO
29. NO
30. NO
A couple of folks have asked about "smart guns". They are guns that will only fire with some verification of who is pulling the trigger. Fingerprints and RFID chips are the most commonly referenced methods. I think these are complete pipe dreams that they will reliably work as expected in my lifetime.
0. YES or NO, the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.- this is always the dumbest argument out there. if someone can financiallya fford to purchase/upkeep something like a tank or chopper, do you really think they are going to use it for violence. in fact tanks and artillery ARE legal to won and shoot. how many times ahve they been used by criminals in real life

The vehicles are federally legal to own, but they are typically demilitarized. Claymores, grenades, landmines, rocket launchers, etc- also must be demilitarized under current laws, same with ordinance on heavy vehicles. I think the feature here is the indiscriminate nature of the weapons and potential for collateral casualties. Which is the basis upon which I'm for short-barreled rifles, but against short-barreled shotguns- the level of precision just isn't quite there.

21. YES or NO, the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers?- are car makers held liable when somoene uses their product in a criminal act?

Exactly. Any manufacturing business should be fighting this one.
The vehicles are federally legal to own, but they are typically demilitarized. Claymores, grenades, landmines, rocket launchers, etc- also must be demilitarized under current laws, same with ordinance on heavy vehicles. I think the feature here is the indiscriminate nature of the weapons and potential for collateral casualties. Which is the basis upon which I'm for short-barreled rifles, but against short-barreled shotguns- the level of precision just isn't quite there.

Exactly. Any manufacturing business should be fighting this one

I simply believ the Govt should fear the citizenry, thats what seperates from subjects. again I doubt anyone who can afford the cost of a Rocekt launcher, hand grenades etc are the ones we would ahev to worry about using them for nefarious activities, someoen bent on nefarious activities will find a way, pipe bombs, etc

I think crimalizing the posession of a weapon based on Barrel length and other arbitrary factors is stupid. and makes no sense have you ever used a Short barreled Shotgun? at intended Distance mine throws a golf ball pattern with Buckshot and will clump slugs together. about the only thing I can do better with my short barreled rifle is Suppress it and shoot it faster.

we as a citezenry need to realize when uncle Fed tells you its good for YOU, it isnt.. and no matter the issue it should be fought vehemently
Guns ownership is an inextricable part of public land hunting (unless we go 100% bow and arrow). As such, HT has had its fair share of "gun control good/gun control bad" arguments, but rarely does anyone take the extreme position that unlimited access to all weapons is OK, or that all guns should be banned. As with most things, the devil is in the details. The following is intended to get a sense how a fairly broad-based group of outdoorsman/woman (HuntTalk) view the various questions being bantered around various legislative bodies around the country in 2021.

I am asking that you do not debate your points, criticize the positions of other, call names, use pejorative labels like commie or facist, invoke your personal belief of what the founders intended or instruct SCOTUS on the proper reading of the 2A. If at all possible just answer YES or NO. If minor clarification or caveat for your answer is needed that is fine, but please don't "argue your point". If you feel compelled to address these topics I just asked you not to address in this thread, please start you own thread.

So, here goes:

0. or NO, the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.
1. YES or NO, current limits on automatic weapons should remain in place?
2. YES or NO, current persons ineligible to possess firearms should remin in place?
3. YES or NO, current dealer background check rules should remain in place?
4. YES or NO, current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place?
5. YES or NO, the current approach to background checks should be extended to cover all transfers between non-family members ("universal background checks")?
6. YES or NO, we should have a mandatory federal gun owner's registry to further enable "universal background checks"?
7. YES or NO, even intra-family transfers should be subject to "universal background checks"?
8. YES or NO, even lending weapons between friends/family at a range or while hunting should be subject to prior "universal background checks"?
9. YES or NO, if there is a delay in background check results should the current 3 day "free pass" rule be extended to 14 days?
10. YES or NO, in addition to our existing civil commitment laws, should there be additional "red flag" laws allowing for pre-adjudicated confiscation of firearms?
11. YES or NO, should all firearm purchases be subject to a 7 or 14 day waiting period?
12. YES or NO, online sales of firearms through FFLs should be banned?
13. YES or NO, online sales of ammunition directly to the home should be banned?
14. YES or NO, ownership of a gun should require pre-registration/permit?
15. YES or NO, purchase of ammunition should require pre-registration/permit or background check?
16. YES or NO, semi-auto rifles capable of accepting high capacity mags (>10) and having other functional "attributes associated with military assault rifles" should be banned?
17. YES or NO, all large capacity (>10 round) magazines for rifles, shotguns or handguns should be banned (not including traditional rimfire tube magazines)?
18. YES or NO, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
19. YES or NO, in locations where the presence of minors is common or foreseeable, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
20. YES or NO, all new firearms should be required to incorporate "smart gun lockouts" by 2030?
21. YES or NO, the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers?
22. YES or NO, there should be a wholesale repeal of "stand your ground" laws?
23. YES or NO, regulation should further limit parts or modifications, such as bump stocks or 80% lowers that are primarily sold to avoid other gun control regulations?
24. YES or NO, the right to carry a handgun on a "shall issue" basis should be universal across the 50 states?
25. YES or NO, the open carry of semi-automatic rifles in public areas such as streets, parks and stores should be unlawful?
26. YES or NO, suppressors should be removed from governace of the NFA and be sold like any other firearm accessory?
27. YES or NO, current limits on short barrelled shotguns should remain in place?
28. YES or NO, current limits on short barrelled rifles should remain in place?
29. YES or NO, gun ownership should be restrict below the age of 21 rather than 18?
30. YES or NO, gun purchases should be limited to one firearm per month?

Note: lower/upper mix-up fixed
Guns ownership is an inextricable part of public land hunting (unless we go 100% bow and arrow). As such, HT has had its fair share of "gun control good/gun control bad" arguments, but rarely does anyone take the extreme position that unlimited access to all weapons is OK, or that all guns should be banned. As with most things, the devil is in the details. The following is intended to get a sense how a fairly broad-based group of outdoorsman/woman (HuntTalk) view the various questions being bantered around various legislative bodies around the country in 2021.

I am asking that you do not debate your points, criticize the positions of other, call names, use pejorative labels like commie or facist, invoke your personal belief of what the founders intended or instruct SCOTUS on the proper reading of the 2A. If at all possible just answer YES or NO. If minor clarification or caveat for your answer is needed that is fine, but please don't "argue your point". If you feel compelled to address these topics I just asked you not to address in this thread, please start you own thread.

So, here goes:

0. YES

the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.
1. YES or NO, current limits on automatic weapons should remain in place?
2. YES current persons ineligible to possess firearms should remin in place?
3. YES or NO, current dealer background check rules should remain in place?
4. YES or NO, current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place?
5. YES or NO, the current approach to background checks should be extended to cover all transfers between non-family members ("universal background checks")?
6. YES or NO, we should have a mandatory federal gun owner's registry to further enable "universal background checks"?
7. YES or NO, even intra-family transfers should be subject to "universal background checks"?
8. YES or NO, even lending weapons between friends/family at a range or while hunting should be subject to prior "universal background checks"?
9. YES or NO, if there is a delay in background check results should the current 3 day "free pass" rule be extended to 14 days?
10. YES or NO, in addition to our existing civil commitment laws, should there be additional "red flag" laws allowing for pre-adjudicated confiscation of firearms?
11. YES or NO, should all firearm purchases be subject to a 7 or 14 day waiting period?
12. YES or NO, online sales of firearms through FFLs should be banned?
13. YES or NO, online sales of ammunition directly to the home should be banned?
14. YES or NO, ownership of a gun should require pre-registration/permit?
15. YES or NO, purchase of ammunition should require pre-registration/permit or background check?
16. YES or NO, semi-auto rifles capable of accepting high capacity mags (>10) and having other functional "attributes associated with military assault rifles" should be banned?
17. YES or NO, all large capacity (>10 round) magazines for rifles, shotguns or handguns should be banned (not including traditional rimfire tube magazines)?
18. YES or NO, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
19. YES or NO, in locations where the presence of minors is common or foreseeable, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
20. YES or NO, all new firearms should be required to incorporate "smart gun lockouts" by 2030?
21. YES or NO, the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers?
22. YES or NO, there should be a wholesale repeal of "stand your ground" laws?
23. YES or NO, regulation should further limit parts or modifications, such as bump stocks or 80% lowers that are primarily sold to avoid other gun control regulations?
24. YES or NO, the right to carry a handgun on a "shall issue" basis should be universal across the 50 states?
25. YES or NO, the open carry of semi-automatic rifles in public areas such as streets, parks and stores should be unlawful?
26. YES or NO, suppressors should be removed from governace of the NFA and be sold like any other firearm accessory?
27. YES or NO, current limits on short barrelled shotguns should remain in place?
28. YES or NO, current limits on short barrelled rifles should remain in place?
29. YES or NO, gun ownership should be restrict
0 yes
1 yes
2 yes
3 Yes
4 no, legal carry should be acknowledged
5 no
6 no , hell no !
7 no
8 no
9 no
10 no
11 no
12 no
13 no
14 no
15 no
16 no
17 no
18 no
19 no
20 no
21 no
22 no
23 no
24 yes
25 no
26 yes
27 no
28 no
29 no
30 no
1. Yes
2. No because they should still able to produce new ones
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
6. No
7. No
8. No
9. Hell no! As a guy having a really common name I have always been delayed and I’ve never been arrested or committed of a crime
10. No
11. No
12. No
13. No
14. No- In theory it would be easy to have a license or permit you showed and just picked up your firearm and went on the way. But it would be too easy for the powers to be to abuse that
15. No
16. No
17. No
18. No
19. No
20. No
21. No
22. No
23. No
24. Yes
25. I think it’s stupid people do it for attention but could carry over to all federal public ground with a pen stroke
26. Yes
27. No
28. No
29. No
30. No
Honestly asking what bothers you about online ammo sales to our doors?
Cogreeny, this seems like a pretty simple request from the OP.

If you feel compelled to address these topics I just asked you not to address in this thread, please start you own thread.
0. YES, the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.
1. YES, current limits on automatic weapons should remain in place?
2. YES, current persons ineligible to possess firearms should remin in place?
3. YES, current dealer background check rules should remain in place?
4. YES, current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place?
5. YES, the current approach to background checks should be extended to cover all transfers between non-family members ("universal background checks")?
6. NO, we should have a mandatory federal gun owner's registry to further enable "universal background checks"?
7. NO, even intra-family transfers should be subject to "universal background checks"?
8. NO, even lending weapons between friends/family at a range or while hunting should be subject to prior "universal background checks"?
9. NO, if there is a delay in background check results should the current 3 day "free pass" rule be extended to 14 days?
10. NO, in addition to our existing civil commitment laws, should there be additional "red flag" laws allowing for pre-adjudicated confiscation of firearms?
11. NO, should all firearm purchases be subject to a 7 or 14 day waiting period?
12. NO, online sales of firearms through FFLs should be banned?
13. NO, online sales of ammunition directly to the home should be banned?
14. NO, ownership of a gun should require pre-registration/permit?
15. NO, purchase of ammunition should require pre-registration/permit or background check?
16. NO, semi-auto rifles capable of accepting high capacity mags (>10) and having other functional "attributes associated with military assault rifles" should be banned?
17. NO, all large capacity (>10 round) magazines for rifles, shotguns or handguns should be banned (not including traditional rimfire tube magazines)?
18. NO, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
19. NO, in locations where the presence of minors is common or foreseeable, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
20. NO, all new firearms should be required to incorporate "smart gun lockouts" by 2030?
21. NO, the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers?
22. NO, there should be a wholesale repeal of "stand your ground" laws?
23. NO, regulation should further limit parts or modifications, such as bump stocks or 80% lowers that are primarily sold to avoid other gun control regulations?
24. YES, the right to carry a handgun on a "shall issue" basis should be universal across the 50 states?
25. NO, the open carry of semi-automatic rifles in public areas such as streets, parks and stores should be unlawful?
26. YES, suppressors should be removed from governace of the NFA and be sold like any other firearm accessory?
27. NO, current limits on short barrelled shotguns should remain in place?
28. NO, current limits on short barrelled rifles should remain in place?
29. NO, gun ownership should be restrict below the age of 21 rather than 18?
30. NO, gun purchases should be limited to one firearm per month?
0. NO, the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc. (I MUST ADMIT TO SOMEWHAT MIXED FEELINGS ON THIS, BUT I FEEL IN PRINCIPLE THAT THESE LIBERTIES SHOULD NOT BE INFRINGED)
1. NO, current limits on automatic weapons should remain in place?
2. YES, current persons ineligible to possess firearms should remin in place?
3. YES, current dealer background check rules should remain in place?
4. YES and NO, current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place? (THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS, AND THERE ARE MANY LEGITIMATE EXCEPTIONS THAT EXIST, OR SHOULD EXIST, IN SOME STATES)
5. NO, the current approach to background checks should be extended to cover all transfers between non-family members ("universal background checks")?
6. NO, we should have a mandatory federal gun owner's registry to further enable "universal background checks"?
7. NO, even intra-family transfers should be subject to "universal background checks"?
8. NO, even lending weapons between friends/family at a range or while hunting should be subject to prior "universal background checks"?
9. NOT FAMILIAR WITH THIS SPECIFICALLY, if there is a delay in background check results should the current 3 day "free pass" rule be extended to 14 days?
10. NO, in addition to our existing civil commitment laws, should there be additional "red flag" laws allowing for pre-adjudicated confiscation of firearms?
11. NO, should all firearm purchases be subject to a 7 or 14 day waiting period?
12. NO, online sales of firearms through FFLs should be banned?
13. NO, online sales of ammunition directly to the home should be banned?
14. NO, ownership of a gun should require pre-registration/permit?
15. NO, purchase of ammunition should require pre-registration/permit or background check?
16. NO, semi-auto rifles capable of accepting high capacity mags (>10) and having other functional "attributes associated with military assault rifles" should be banned?
17. NO, all large capacity (>10 round) magazines for rifles, shotguns or handguns should be banned (not including traditional rimfire tube magazines)?( THIS IS A RATHER ARBITRARY NUMBER THAT I HAVE NEVER UNDERSTOOD)
19. YES and NO, in locations where the presence of minors is common or foreseeable, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
(SEE 18)
20. NO, all new firearms should be required to incorporate "smart gun lockouts" by 2030?
21. NO, the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers?
22. NO, there should be a wholesale repeal of "stand your ground" laws?
23. NO, regulation should further limit parts or modifications, such as bump stocks or 80% lowers that are primarily sold to avoid other gun control regulations?
24. YES, the right to carry a handgun on a "shall issue" basis should be universal across the 50 states?
25. NO, the open carry of semi-automatic rifles in public areas such as streets, parks and stores should be unlawful?
26. YES, suppressors should be removed from governace of the NFA and be sold like any other firearm accessory?
27. NO, current limits on short barrelled shotguns should remain in place?
28. NO, current limits on short barrelled rifles should remain in place?
29. NO, gun ownership should be restrict below the age of 21 rather than 18?
30. NO, gun purchases should be limited to one firearm per month?

I hate to caveat so many, but I truly believe in holding someone accountable for their actions/inactions that lead to a crime, injury, or loss of life, and/or taking measures to get guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals who are in the act of dangerous felonious crimes, or have a history of committing those crimes. I am not in support of any measure that would empower a government or entity to perform any new search or seizures of firearms, accessories, or ammunition not associated with a dangerous felonious act proactively, nor that could allow for “double jeopardy” enforcement. Many times, gross negligence would cover these instances without further laws.
2. YES
24. YES
26. YES

All others NO

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right to keep and bear arms in the United States is a fundamental right protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights, and by the constitutions of most U.S. states.
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0. Meh, Apache helis yes, But hand grenades no. the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.
1. NO, current limits on automatic weapons should remain in place?
2. Probably - current persons ineligible to possess firearms should remin in place?
3. YES - current dealer background check rules should remain in place?
4. NO - current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place?
5. YES - the current approach to background checks should be extended to cover all transfers between non-family members ("universal background checks")?
6. NO, we should have a mandatory federal gun owner's registry to further enable "universal background checks"?
7. YES, even intra-family transfers should be subject to "universal background checks"?
8. Hell NO, even lending weapons between friends/family at a range or while hunting should be subject to prior "universal background checks"?
9. No idea what the free pass rule is. if there is a delay in background check results should the current 3 day "free pass" rule be extended to 14 days?
10. NO, in addition to our existing civil commitment laws, should there be additional "red flag" laws allowing for pre-adjudicated confiscation of firearms?
11. NO, should all firearm purchases be subject to a 7 or 14 day waiting period?
12. NO, online sales of firearms through FFLs should be banned?
13. NO, online sales of ammunition directly to the home should be banned?
14. NO, ownership of a gun should require pre-registration/permit?
15. NO, purchase of ammunition should require pre-registration/permit or background check?
16. NO, semi-auto rifles capable of accepting high capacity mags (>10) and having other functional "attributes associated with military assault rifles" should be banned?
17. NO, all large capacity (>10 round) magazines for rifles, shotguns or handguns should be banned (not including traditional rimfire tube magazines)?
18. NO, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
19. NO, in locations where the presence of minors is common or foreseeable, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
20. NO, all new firearms should be required to incorporate "smart gun lockouts" by 2030?
21. How is this a real question? the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers?
22. Hell NO, there should be a wholesale repeal of "stand your ground" laws?
23. NO, regulation should further limit parts or modifications, such as bump stocks or 80% lowers that are primarily sold to avoid other gun control regulations?
24. YES - the right to carry a handgun on a "shall issue" basis should be universal across the 50 states?
25. Can’t decide- the open carry of semi-automatic rifles in public areas such as streets, parks and stores should be unlawful?
26. YES!!! suppressors should be removed from governace of the NFA and be sold like any other firearm accessory?
27. Never made sense to me so NO, current limits on short barrelled shotguns should remain in place?
28. Again NO, current limits on short barrelled rifles should remain in place?
29. NO, gun ownership should be restrict below the age of 21 rather than 18?
30. NO, gun purchases should be limited to one firearm per month?
Answers are below but come with conditional caveats. Mainly, I can change my answer on one if another number ("higher level") was implemented. I found I can argue both sids of a lot of these pretty strongly, but they end up being tied to others.

0. YES , the government may limit my access to military weapons such as handgrenades, rocket launchers, tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.
1. YES current limits on automatic weapons should remain in place?
2. YES , current persons ineligible to possess firearms should remin in place?
3. YES , current dealer background check rules should remain in place?
4. YES , current restricted areas, such as courts and schools should remain in place?
5. YES the current approach to background checks should be extended to cover all transfers between non-family members ("universal background checks")?
6. YES, we should have a mandatory federal gun owner's registry to further enable "universal background checks"?
7. NO, even intra-family transfers should be subject to "universal background checks"?
8. NO, even lending weapons between friends/family at a range or while hunting should be subject to prior "universal background checks"?
9. YES , if there is a delay in background check results should the current 3 day "free pass" rule be extended to 14 days?
10. NO, in addition to our existing civil commitment laws, should there be additional "red flag" laws allowing for pre-adjudicated confiscation of firearms?
11. NO, should all firearm purchases be subject to a 7 or 14 day waiting period?
12. NO, online sales of firearms through FFLs should be banned?
13. NO, online sales of ammunition directly to the home should be banned?
14. YES, ownership of a gun should require pre-registration/permit?
15. YES, purchase of ammunition should require pre-registration/permit or background check?
16. YES, semi-auto rifles capable of accepting high capacity mags (>10) and having other functional "attributes associated with military assault rifles" should be banned?
17. YES, all large capacity (>10 round) magazines for rifles, shotguns or handguns should be banned (not including traditional rimfire tube magazines)?
18. YES, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
19. YES, in locations where the presence of minors is common or foreseeable, all firearms must be stored in a secure manner at all times when not immediately in one's possession?
20. NO, all new firearms should be required to incorporate "smart gun lockouts" by 2030?
21. NO, the firearms industry should be civilly liable for the harm caused by the unlawful use of their products by their customers?
22. YES, there should be a wholesale repeal of "stand your ground" laws?
23. YES, regulation should further limit parts or modifications, such as bump stocks or 80% lowers that are primarily sold to avoid other gun control regulations?
24. NO, the right to carry a handgun on a "shall issue" basis should be universal across the 50 states?
25. YES, the open carry of semi-automatic rifles in public areas such as streets, parks and stores should be unlawful?
26. YES, suppressors should be removed from governace of the NFA and be sold like any other firearm accessory?
27. YES, current limits on short barrelled shotguns should remain in place?
28. YES, current limits on short barrelled rifles should remain in place?
29. YES, gun ownership should be restrict below the age of 21 rather than 18?
30. YES, gun purchases should be limited to one firearm per month?

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