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Gun or Bow ?


New member
Dec 23, 2000
Man it's getting slow around hear !
So if you draw a tag that allows you to pick your weapon, would you rather hunt the rut with a bow or late season with a rifle ?
If they're screamin' its bow for me.....rifle second....followed closely by sling-shots and granola bars ;)
bow during the rut nothing like a bugling bull 20 yards or closer to get the blood going and the nerves tingling.ooooooh yea hump
Bow During The Rut!!!
What Else Can Compare To A Huge Bull Screaming Down Your Neck And Your Knees Shaking!!! What A Rush!!!!
I still havent killed an elk with my bow, like they said When they are close and bugle..........that ROCKS!!!!
talk about intense. I cant wait to do it again.

Of course either one s better than sitting here typing or being pounded by a hurricane!
I love them both, but I have to give the nod to Bow Rut! September is way toooo awesome in the elk woods!!! Man, what i'd do to have a rifle tag for Sept. where I bow hunt!!!!
Bow first, muzzleloader second. Just hope I can draw a bull tag this year with all my points!
I hear ya Ringer, I'm applying my points for archery tags this year, maby I'll hit the jackpot. Some of the tags will let me choose between archery and rifle, but I can only use one week, maby ten days to hunt, so I'll have to choose.

Archery in Sept;
More fun, but less chance of filling the tag

Rifle in late Oct. or Nov.;
Freeze my butt, much better chance of filling the freezer.
I only rifle hunt to date, and my wife has mentioned divorce if I take up bow hunting.

Seriously I am way to busy working in the summer to practice with a bow enough to get competant enough to hunt with one. Some day time will permit and I will take up bow hunting. I would love to make my own bow and arrows as well.
i havent hunted yet hope to next year for sure be great i love to get nice buck good food to in my opinion i use gun get em with first shot
Gonna try to draw a bull for first rifle season in Colorado in 05. Have gone 2nd rifle last two years with an over the counter bull tag. 85 plus degrees year before last (03, snow this year (04)...lots of orange everwhere, elk scattered and scarce both years.

Muzzleloader season, for me anyway, presents better odds, but I'll wait & take the rifle.
Hey Roadtrip,

Thats like saying...Do you like your naked women blonde or brunette?
Man, I can't compare that to elk hunting...I like the naked women any color, regardless of the season!!! LOL... And the weapon doesn't matter either!!!!
Good ONE!!!!

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