PEAX Equipment

Gun or Bow ?

I'll probably never elk hunt with a rifle again unless I draw a special tag. Elk with a bow during the rut is definitely the best choice for me.
to me i'm a bowhunter first and am darn sulective during bowseasn but when rifle season gets here i just wont all those other hunters to get off my mountan and my standerds go down. i could shoot bigger bucks with my bow that i let walk then i end up taking with a rifle.
rifle season is only 1 week long so i can't be as choosie as 30 days with a bow.
i love bowhunting because i have the mountan to myself almost, rifle season is a zoo
There used to be a club in Michigan that hunted deer with knives--jumped out of trees, laid next to fallen logs. If I were 30 years younger that might be the way to go. I've got a knife in the kitchen drawer that will work just fine!
You can't beat the rush from hunting with a bow, first you have to be totally inside of its comfort zone, you have to understand the animals better and you have to become more intune to your surroundings than with a rifle.
It is hard to rifle hunt after a good and up close bow kill... :)