PEAX Equipment

Guide School Operator Pleads Guilty To Poaching

Well all I know is the Ole Joe Boyd from DOA outfitters did his deeds in my home town, I can see the Bed and Breakfast he operated from out the window of my parents home.

They caught the guy red handed dumping birds, only breasting birds, guiding antelope hunters, charging hunters for his services while not being a licensed outfitter.

My dad had been telling me about this guy for a couple of years and couldn't figure out how he was able to bring so many "friends" in to the area to hunt for the entire season.

He took two undercover cops on an illegal hunt and did illegal things. If you are friends with Mr. Austin I understand that you will defend him but the guy is not welcomed in Montana. He was not licensed as an Outfitter and he ran a slip shod operation stealing game from law abiding hunters.

For anyone to say that he got a raw deal is a very uninformed and stupid statement. I know the guys who busted him including the author of that article and they are all very fair and level headed wardens. In addition his is being less then truthful in regards to legal representation on his case.

Nemont that's for the reply. I do consider 2nd hand acknowledgement and will consider my options of hunting with him. Maybe the guy did somethings and maybe not. I do know he is paying for it. Emotionally what ever happened.
I haven't read Monte's book but I will and from what he told me I dought many hunters from this area will be spending there money in Mt. I know I will not. I understand there are a few states around Mt . that are fed up with the practices of the game commision there.

I am not sure I would read Monte's book, or, more accurately, I am not sure I COULD read his poor writing. Here is one of Monte's illiterate posts on another site.....
Monte Davis said...
Hello fiends, i to have a horor story about Montana Game Wardens and thier abuse of thier own laws to cite 5 innocent people with 17 manufactured citations. All of which ook three years and substancial legal work to defend. The Govoner of montana and Montana Fish wildlife and parks refuse to admit theiedid anything wrong however several legal document prove other wise. Wold like to hear from other that had corrupt or illegal incounters with this agency. Would also like to talk with the Montana Conserative. Monte Davis 605-267-4811, [email protected]

By Monte;
This is well documented in a true life book called the Game Wardens Game. it includes my side their allegations my allegation and the actual court documents where they Montana used planted DNA cow elk meat.

Get the book u be the judge and jury then u look at DOA Outfitters situation, ........ Prairie Hearth Publishing 1-800-567-7959

Monte's book must be zooming to the top of the book selling charts..... Prarie Hearth Publishing specializes in vanity publishing.....
Prairie Hearth Publishing LLC specializes in assisting authors with self-publication. Once a work is published, we can also assist with promotion and book signing schedules if necessary.

Please contact us for a complete list of the services and costs for self-publication and self-promotion.
Do you still think that the guys at DOA were unjustly prosecuted in Montana?

why, bad spelling is evidence of a crime ?
280, it started at one case from CO, then another case from MT came up. I didn't get that at first, that's why I was confused. I"m ok now. What are you confused about?

You must not mind being in a confused state. You just stated you're confused, but didn't ask for any clarification. Are you ok?
280, it started at one case from CO, then another case from MT came up. I didn't get that at first, that's why I was confused. I"m ok now. What are you confused about?

You must not mind being in a confused state. You just stated you're confused, but didn't ask for any clarification. Are you ok?

Uhhh..... Tom, DOA is in Maryland..... |oo
OK, midwestern question. whats the difference, according to the law in montana, between guiding and outfitting? don't need anything from a website, just a basics between the 2 will do. thanks.
No, but a Guilty Plea usually is..... Wouldn't you agree?

only thing that proves is a deal was other words, "you admit guilt to this lesser crime and we promise just to put the head in..... or go to court, we will charge you with so much shit and go balls deep on you."

plea deals are bullshit!

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