Grip and Grin Pictures I don't really care for.....

I don't mind seeing the bow or the gun in a trophy picture if it's placed safely and tastefully. It tells a bit of the story on how the animal was taken.

One of my favorite pictures from my last hog hunt my friend took. I'm holding the .30-30 my dad gave me that I took the hog with, the hog is covered in mud because it fell in a mud hole after it went down, it's got a tree limb through it's legs which are tied together because my best friend and I carried it a quarter mile to the cleaning shed, and the picture is taken at a downward angle and canted almost 45 degrees because my friend is a jackwagon. A "bad" picture can tell a great story.
How the hell has this thread gotten this far without this one? Talk about doing your best to take down hunting...

There is a thread running on here at the moment of a proposed ban on import/export of hunting trophies from the UK
It didn't help that it was a hunter from another country in the photo, played right into the UK anti's hands.
I guess the female hunters on this forum haven't seen this yet, it would be interesting to read their view.
Whilst it shouldn't matter what sex you are, sadly it does, not only did she let down hunting as a whole, she also let down the genuine passionate female hunters we have, very disappointing.
When hunting in another country you are representing your own country, goes the same for me, I respect the country and countrymen of the place's I visit.
Thank god she is a rarity.
I rather dislike posing the hunter very far behind his game animal. To counter that in photos of me, I try to make sure I'm actually touching the animal. My guide took a photo of me behind my grizzly a couple of years ago - I knew when we were taking it that I wouldn't like it - and have never posted it. That bear didn't need any artificial, camera-induced size increase.

Instead I just knelt beside the bear. The photo looks much better. And the bear looks plenty "big enough."

While were complaining, I hate when a fish photo is angled to make it look 10" longer than it was. All I care about is the true size, don't try to make the fish or animal something it wasn't.

For this reason I am a fan of grip and grin animal photos and fish photos with bent elbows!

Are these the best photos in the world? Probably not, but the animals are what they truly were without and photography slights.



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