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Greenhorn, Hard work or just luck?

I did see the Freak went down. Look at the bottom left hand side of your screen.

(Did you really look?)

Those two things there are Kurt's nuts and we're fighting ourselves to get on them!!!! Yeah, but don't forget that you got a bear this spring and he didn't!!!;)
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Weekend Warrior:
He used a 75 grain rocket wolverine expandable. The first shot went through the shoulder, glanced up and broke his neck and exited out the neck.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-11-2002 09:19: Message edited by: Weekend Warrior ]</font>
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you kidding? he got a passthrough with a shoulder shot?? or did he miss the actual shoulder bone. If he went through the bone then i am useing them next week. Let me know. I usually shoot 100 grain points but i do have a few 25 grain washers that would make the 75's a little heavier. What is your reason for using the wolverine over the steelhead? I tried muzzy 3 bades 100's last night and they drift high and left. Trilock 85's are much better but have a small cutting diameter. I shoot a setup that launches at 285fps and 69lb of KE. so its similare to greenhorns, but i have those damn fat nitro stingers for arrows and that will give me a little less penetration
Not sure if it went through the shoulder bone. Might have glanced off a rib or something. Greenhorn?
I use those because they fly good and penetrate through the foam target better than any of the other expandables that I've seen (by far). Also, the chizzle point on the wolverine is bad ass. I think that is how it gets all its penatration. They also seem to shoot the best for me and make less noise in the air.
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