Caribou Gear

Greatest Shot Ever--A Thread--Post Your's

At 13 years old, I shot and killed a nice (140ish) 5x5 whitetail buck that was on a dead run. I jumped him out of the willows and he took of running up a small hill to my right. I swung my M700 243 on him and pulled the trigger. I don't even remember aiming. The shot was about 90-100 yards, and I hit it right behind the ear. :D My grandpa was watching from about 300 yards away from the pickup. It must have been amazing shot because he told that story to all his friends for years, and my grandpa had killed more stuff than the plague. I wish I could relive that hunt one more time, with a camera along. Just one more hunt with my grandpa would be something to remember. I miss that guy. I don't' even have the rack anymore. I made it into a candelabra.
The one that comes to mind for me was on a WT doe at about 5 yards from the ground. I was tucked into some palmetto on my knees. I saw her coming down the trail at about 50 yards, drew when she got to 30 yards and then proceeded to have to stay at full draw for what seemed like 5 minutes when she left the trail to munch on green briar and then hit the trail again almost right on top of me. I was pretty young and still using a Bear Nova that wasn't exactly packed with let off and I was right on the verge of having to let down when she popped back out on that trail. I would rather shoot one at 30 yards than 5 regardless of up in a tree or on the ground.
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