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When they say: "don't stick your D in cazy".

This is crazy:

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You can stick your dick in it, just don't fall in love with it
You can stick your dick in it, just don't fall in love with it
My three year old loves cocktail weinies, but with no bbq sauce. He yells I want a clean weinie as we walk through the store! So I always tell him he has to be careful where he puts his weenie so it doesn’t get dirty. My wife is not amused when we walk through the grocery store talking about keepin your weenie clean.
My three year old loves cocktail weinies, but with no bbq sauce. He yells I want a clean weinie as we walk through the store! So I always tell him he has to be careful where he puts his weenie so it doesn’t get dirty. My wife is not amused when we walk through the grocery store talking about keepin your senior clean.
Absolutely frigging hilarious
My three year old loves cocktail weinies, but with no bbq sauce. He yells I want a clean weinie as we walk through the store! So I always tell him he has to be careful where he puts his weenie so it doesn’t get dirty. My wife is not amused when we walk through the grocery store talking about keepin your weenie clean.
That is classic
My three year old loves cocktail weinies, but with no bbq sauce. He yells I want a clean weinie as we walk through the store! So I always tell him he has to be careful where he puts his weenie so it doesn’t get dirty. My wife is not amused when we walk through the grocery store talking about keepin your weenie clean.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that thinks some innocent conversations with a toddler can be hilarious.
My three year old loves cocktail weinies, but with no bbq sauce. He yells I want a clean weinie as we walk through the store! So I always tell him he has to be careful where he puts his weenie so it doesn’t get dirty. My wife is not amused when we walk through the grocery store talking about keepin your weenie clean.
My oldest asked me in the bath the other day why I always start with his hair. I told him you always have to start at the top, or else you end up with bum scrubbins’ in you hair. He was totally on board with the logic and now has to tell everyone, including the neighbors and the daycare lady about not getting bum scrubbins’ in your hair.
My oldest asked me in the bath the other day why I always start with his hair. I told him you always have to start at the top, or else you end up with bum scrubbins’ in you hair. He was totally on board with the logic and now has to tell everyone, including the neighbors and the daycare lady about not getting bum scrubbins’ in your hair.
I did much the same with my nieces & nephews. They went home and I got calls with what did you tell them?

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