Great Social Media posts?

I don’t get it. Why? Why go through the effort and the PITA upkeep of shaving your arms? I mean hell, my beard hangs to my chest because shaving my FACE is to much maintenance for me. Why shave your arms??? Can anybody explain the logic?
Decreased air drag and maximum efficiency for those 0.75-miles-from-the-ATV days
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Maybe a cheap shot, but seriously you’ve taken your family on one vacation but go on multiple expensive hunts and hangouts with your influencer “friends” every year? Talk about some messed up priorities
Not good at chilling, while hunting private land out of lodges with a cook and guide lol
I don’t get it. Why? Why go through the effort and the PITA upkeep of shaving your arms? I mean hell, my beard hangs to my chest because shaving my FACE is to much maintenance for me. Why shave your arms??? Can anybody explain the logic?
My arms are so skinny, the hair gives me the appearance of bulk. Especially with a little contouring above and below the bicep. Gotta get swole 💪🏻