Great Social Media posts?

So serious question. Why do these guys tuck ears into hats? It looks like a little kid who put his dad’s hat on but it’s still way too big. Do they adjust or buy the hats bigger to fit this way or are they just midgets who look big on camera?
I wish I knew the answer to this question

But hey anyone can do it if you just lift and run
Ok legitimate beef here...

looking at you cam, chesser, etc




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Like :rolleyes: 3 dudes for one elk, no camp...

I don't know just seems like if you're brand is Beast Mode you might actually do some physically difficult hunting once in a while.

At least pack out more than this desk jockey in MA... like for pete's sake I'm using the rubber aerobic dumbbells at the gym I can't even get the 35lb out of the rack.

Opposite end of the spectrum... I've never seen Remi W. without his shirt on flexing and he packed out an entire bull solo... and holy smokes that CO bull Bigfin got in the oak brush looked like a suffer fest.

It would be pretty hard to push san carlos, hill ranch, deseret ranch, and tejon ranch hunts aside to fit in a suffer fest.. The inevitable "packout photos" carrying a quarter over their shoulder to the UTV are pretty obnoxious when they are cast in the #keephammering light though.
It would be pretty hard to push san carlos, hill ranch, deseret ranch, and tejon ranch hunts aside to fit in a suffer fest.. The inevitable "packout photos" carrying a quarter over their shoulder to the UTV are pretty obnoxious when they are cast in the #keephammering light though.
Life is short you absolutely have to take the opportunities that are given.

But there are lots of fitness influencers that aren’t blowhards.

One can do both it’s about acting like one is required for the other.

If Chesser or Cam want to legitimately push the fitness to hunt envelope they can PM me, I have a couple hunts that I can’t figure out how to hunt. To squirrely for pack stock, too deep for me to consider. Would be an amazing episode, hell you could post the last long without worrying about burning a spot.

🤷‍♂️ But whatever take gym pics and road hunt.