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Hunting with Match ammo is a huge douche move and thia idiot is proud of it...

"gOt ThE jOb DoNe!¡"

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No argument that that particular bullet is a bad choice. But there are certainly "match" bullets out there with a lot solid terminal data. Hornady Eld-m, Lapua Scenar, Sierra TMK come to mind. Some people would probably put Bergers in that category as well.....
No argument that that particular bullet is a bad choice. But there are certainly "match" bullets out there with a lot solid terminal data. Hornady Eld-m, Lapua Scenar, Sierra TMK come to mind. Some people would probably put Bergers in that category as well.....

Advertising hunting with a projectile that isn't suited for hunting is asinine. I don't care if people do their homework and use a certain projectile based on data and target effect but this particular projectile, like most match projos, isn't suited for hunting.

He claims to have used this post as a "teaching point" for his audience but provides no info/data to back up his choice. Of course a match/full jacketted projo will retain most of it's weight...

This post, IMO, is in line with bragging about 120+ yard archery shots.
Not arguing that that particular post is pretty questionable. I just don't like match bullets bashed as a whole because some of them kill very well. I'm interested what works, not what it says on the box.
Advertising hunting with a projectile that isn't suited for hunting is asinine. I don't care if people do their homework and use a certain projectile based on data and target effect but this particular projectile, like most match projos, isn't suited for hunting.

He claims to have used this post as a "teaching point" for his audience but provides no info/data to back up his choice. Of course a match/full jacketted projo will retain most of it's weight...

This post, IMO, is in line with bragging about 120+ yard archery shots.
I disagree. I wonder what a cave man might have thought about having a modern rifle shooting match bullets for just a day?
I disagree. I wonder what a cave man might have thought about having a modern rifle shooting match bullets for just a day?

Subsistence hunting with pointy sticks and rocks Vs rifles. I'd kill a deer with a dull butter knife if I absolutely needed to in order to feed my family.
I'll bet there were a few folks who put X's on the point of their Army surplus FMJ 30-06 to feed the family. Make due with what chu got...

Also...Critter gotta be dead and "rendered to possession" to recover bullets. All's well that ends well..

screen grab from some folks that care a whole lot more than I do...

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Some of the most efficient killing I have personally seen is from Bergers and Sierra TMKs. Either one is light-years ahead of filing x's in FMJs.

What's Pat Sinclair missing with his arkload of animals killed with 139 gr Scenars?
I put a ton of stock into how well something works for me, and from listing to trusted people who share their experience with it, whether its a bullet, or whatever.

I've shot a lot of match designated bullets at animals with terrific results and very clean kills. I'd never believe/trust something printed on a box of ammo, or what something posted on somebody's instagram page. Have a pretty vivid memory of using the tsx bullets for the first time on a big game animal, and wondering why anybody would hunt with such a thing... I think you can use, and take advantage of the strengths of lead match HPBT type bullets as well as monos, and just have to know what those differences are when pulling the trigger. Just my opinion, but using a target bullet to shoot a bull elk at 350, is absolutely nothing like flinging arrows at 120 yards..
For what it's worth, I'm planning to do all my hunting next year, given the handloads turn out like I expect them to, with 6.5mm 139 grain Lapua scenar. All my hunting, as well as when my kids went over the last 6-7 years was using Hornady Amax AND A-TIPS.
Some of the most efficient killing I have personally seen is from Bergers and Sierra TMKs. Either one is light-years ahead of filing x's in FMJs.

What's Pat Sinclair missing with his arkload of animals killed with 139 gr Scenars?

While there may be match projos suited for hunting, Sierra Gold Medal Match BTHP is not one of them. TMKs sure and there seems to be good data on them. Two different projectiles, my initial post was a bit broad, sure, but why risk it with a bullet which the manufacturer advertise themselves as target shooting only? If someone has done their homework and have data to support it, more power to them.
I've had naught but "dang he dropped fast" from 180g ScenarL from a 7 Mashburn...pigs, elk, whitetail, it takes no days off.
I have killed deer, elk, and antelope with 168 gr. Sierra HPBT match kings out of a 300 Win. Zero failures, zero apologies.

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