Caribou Gear

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My buddy was on a solo hunt and slipped on ice, severing his patella tendon completely, he was ~4 miles from his truck in rough wilderness, with a blizzard just beginning that ended up dumping 24" of snow that night in sub-zero temps. He tried to walk out but didn't get far, since his kneecap was resting roughly 3" above its normal location and "felt like he was getting shot over and over". He hit the SOS button reluctantly but still was able to belly crawl around enough to get his tent set up, gather firewood, and start a fire. It took nearly 12 hours for SAR to get to him in the storm, but before they did he felt like it would be considerate to crawl back out into the dumping snow to pack up his tent and pack, and gather more firewood in case they were cold when they arrived. They were pleasantly shocked at how he'd handled his situation, apparently most fully-functioning 'victims' are just victims of their own imaginations.

This YouTube guy is a selfish weenie...
I'm not that 'core. I watched that YouTube thinking about the time I blew my Achilles tendon while MZ elk hunting in the deep snow. I didn't have an SOS to push. I made a cane and hobbled ( and slid) out to the truck.

SMDH - We didn't have them fancy save me thingamabobs back in the day. You had to man up.

I carry an inReach now. Mostly that is so I can send my kids the ,"Elk Down" pre-set.
I got a similar call from a friend that was really confused about baking a papa Murphy’s pizza, pretty sure he ruined the first one taking it off the provided tray
Worked there in HS. It was incredible how often people would set shit on fire by not following instructions 😂

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