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Bragging about a 1130 yard shot on a cow #DoucheCanoe
Can you imagine if that was 100 yards? Everyone would be saying it was terrible hit. It appears to hit just below the spine halfway back on the body. Not to mention the what, 3 seconds, of flight time on the bullet where she could have moved? That poor cow probably needed a follow up shot to kill her. Of course, only after they actually got close enough to make sure it counted. What an idiot.
@Big Fin, I don't think it was Larry, but one of your buddies who joined you in Wyoming? You said the first thing out of his mouth when the camera started rolling was "it's a windy mother f#$%er!' Living in the Madison Valley, I've often thought I needed that on a t-shirt.
That was Bernie Kuntz. He held the traveling profanity trophy for three years. God rest his wonderful and yes, comically profane, soul.
Had a mild coughing fit reading this one. Incredibly, I once met a person who thought males were born with antlers. Guess the female never birthed again after having a male?
More than once I have had to explain to non outdoors people that all the deer represented in the shed antler collection did not die.
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More than once i have had to explain to non outdoors people that all the deer represented in the shed antler collection did not die.
I've got sheds all over and have had to do my fair share of explaining also. The mother-in-law reminded me of the scene from Ace Ventura when she walked into the house for the first time...

Yeti GOBOX Collection

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