Similar story in our family. I’m a bunch taller and twice the weight of my uncle. He needed new glasses one year and had already shot a couple fawns. Texted that he shot a deer and I went to help. We found the deer easily as a 7mm Mag and CoreLokts make quick work of a 60lb fawn. He was trying to convince me it was bigger than it was when I picked it up and set it on the atv. He looked at me, a bit embarrassed and said, “well $%*&, you don’t have to rub it in!”My step dad's brother (supposed uncle I know) Qasim deer hunting with us one year. Heard him shoot twice and then he came driving up and dark and the four wheeler was empty....or so I thought the yearling was so small I didn't even see it on the four wheeler rack. I am by no means a big guy and I loaded it with one hand I to the truck. I was in disbelief. I butchered it for him, skinning that thing was like peeling off a slim jim wrapper. Still had faint spots the week before Thanksgiving.
We later decided that we were going to get a qualifier target for deer camp. It was going to be a life size target of a greyhound as that was about the size of deer he was always shooting at.