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Great article on Utah's corruption & theft of license dollars to the tune of $12 million

When she inserted those two references I fear she pushed away potential supporters of change in UT.

i agree with you and JLS

but i think given the state of utah's residents and congressional delegation, there is little anyone can do to change that with this article or otherwise. obviously only utah's residents can, and this article, regardless of the LDS comments will change that in my mind. the residnets of utah will put in charge who they will and send them to washington and i think public land and wildlife will continue to have a different type of priority for them. hopefully people will be outraged by the alleged misuse of funds though.

with regards to PLT, i think we can affect change in the administration i believe, and this article can help in that vein. a president and public land agency directors appointed by that president do have power to resist whatever crazy shit the utah delegation will likely forever and always pursue. we can also affect change with each of our own states delegation to washington outside of utah, congress requires majorities. utah can't do much in congress if they start getting outvoted
I think you are correct and unfortunately she gave them that very excuse. I would assume her overarching reason for writing the article was to get the general UT population to see what they have turned a blind-eye towards. They are the ones that can stop this, not a guy from Wyo or someone from the basalt rocks. When she inserted those two references I fear she pushed away potential supporters of change in UT.

I think that's a fair point, but would note that BGF & SFW are active across the west and in DC, so her audience isn't just UT. I remember when SFW came into Wyoming in 2002 and proclaimed that there "was a new sherriff in town" regrading wildlife management, then they quickly whipped up more hatred on wolves to the point where WY just simply got left behind on delisting while MT & ID moved forward. I remember when they started in MT and tried to kill the Simpson/Tester delisting rider, advocated test & slaughter of elk, transferable tags, etc at the legislature.

BGF's efforts on sage grouse have resulted in a net loss of birds and bird habitat across the 64 million acres of public land and the hundreds of millions of acres of private land because their approach is so toxic it makes efforts to fund better mgt of public lands untenable because the sense of urgency is gone.

At every turn, BGF/SWF are in the nation's capitol, whispering bullshit into the ears of willing participants in the dismantling of our public estate. Peay's own vision is that public lands, and public lands hunting is nothing more than socialism.
You can add Hunter Nation to the list of joke organizations, starting to see more of them in my state.

Can't believe Utah has money to just flush down the drain, and it seems the population of that state is perfectly okay with it
Another article relevant to this thread.

Many people here in Utah have fought for years against these groups but unfortunately apathy rules the day when numbers are needed to hold the state wildlife board accountable. What is even more unfortunate is watching this site fall prey, just like many others, to allowing petty social politics to infiltrate the hunting and conservation world. For the record, one can be a supporter of wildlife conservation and public land while being a member of a church and preserving constitutional rights. Some of you guys just can't see past a two sided political system. I can tell you this, we will not further any wildlife/public land cause effectively by dividing ourselves with unrelated politics. Stick to the cause at hand fellas lose the partisan insults.

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