Kenetrek Boots

Gratuitous Bird and Dog Photos

Better hunting today. Better shooting too.

Last weekend was tough. If I don't post a good pic on here after this weekend, you better crack a beer in solidarity. Changed plans from pheasants on the plains to grouse in the woods after looking at wind/temps. Still will be cold, windy and snowy in the woods but we'll see what we can turn up...
Earl had a great time down at the duck camp for opening week,,, lots of good retrieves (46 for me and blind partner) and some tough ones in the marsh grass,,,

him practicing for the title role in the remake of "Master and Commander" of the mudboat,,,

We had a tough weather report --wind and snow and single digit temps. Went to the woods for grouse instead of the original pheasant plan. I think most of the grouse spent the weekend sitting tall in some evergreens watching us walk past them unscathed. Hunting was tough. 2 of us got 2 birds a piece. Nate pictured below closely inspecting a job well done.

The boy is really hitting his stride at 4 years old. His nose does not deceive him, and his focus is razor sharp. The birds shot are only a bonus to watching him work the landscape. We celebrated the 4 year anniversary of him coming home with us with a limit of pheasants and a bonus chicken. He pointed the 3 roosters and maybe 7-8 hens, with the chicken being a wild flush. He chased down one pretty lively rooster I didn't hit well for almost a full minute before finally corralling him. Brought all birds back to hand. He doesn't give a lick about "bag limits" and refused to quit, working and hunting all the way back to the truck, every time. I'm proud of him.

bird boy.jpg
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