Caribou Gear Tarp

Grain help


New member
Mar 5, 2017
Minden, NV
I recently purchased a .338 Ruger MKII winmag. I got a screaming deal on the rifle, which is the only reason I bought it. I plan on making the rifle my new elk rifle. I contacted Ruger and asked them what grain bullet they recommended shooting from it and I was told 250 grain. Any insight if this sounds right, would be great. Keep in mind, I know .338 is a powerful rifle and not my first choice, but I couldn't beat the price I paid for it.

Thanks in advance,

When I had a .338 I shot primarily 250 grain bullets, until the 225 Accubond came out. I think that bullet is a great combination for the gun. It'll hit hard and give you good range for some longer shots.
If you can afford to, try both the 250 and the 225, use whichever shoots the best out of the rifle. I think the 225 is about the best all around weight for the .338 and .340 wby (which is what I shoot).
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I like a 225 grain bullet for the 338 WM myself. I've used 225's in Hornady Interlock, Interbond and the Barnes TTSX with sub 1" groups to show for it. You can get close to 3000 FPS w/ the 225. The 250's will be a bit slower and harder on the shoulder, but still a solid choice for the cartridge and the rifle. Not much on the continent you can't take down w/ a 338 & 250 grain bullet.
Thanks Laelkhunter and Ben. I think I will start with the 225 and if I can't seem to get a tight group I will try the 250.
I have always used 210 Nosler Partition. Worked well for me. Never used on elk, but did take a few Oryx down.
I have killed everything from doe pronghorns through bull elk and cow bison with a 210gr Partition.
If I didn't have a few hundred 250 grain partitions already loaded for my 338, as well as all dialed in, I would look pretty closely at the 225 grain accubond.

I only shot 2 bullets in mine, primarily the 250 partition, but did switch for a short time to 200 grain ballistic tips. In the one season I shot the ballistic tips, I killed a dall sheep, black bear, 5 point bull elk, cow elk, mule deer, whitetail, and a shiras bull moose with them. I didn't care for them, although they did perform.

Went back to 250 partitions and have shot them ever since.

All this talk of 338's and 225 accubonds...tempted to order a box, just for fun.
SPS has 210's in stock right now. You can pick up a couple hundred for under $100. Unless you somehow happen into a 2000lb elk, I think they'll do just fine.
The .338 225 grain Accubond is a fantastic bullet. No experience with it in the Winchester, but it performs well in the RUM. If I had a Winchester Magnum, it's what I would load. mtmuley
i shoot the 225 grain Accubonds as well out of my win m70. i started out with 250 gr Partitions, but the 225AB seem to be more accurate as the distance goes further out. i just bought a box of the Barnes TTSX in 225 grain, and as soon as i can load some up and run them through my rifle i will post the results.
Used the 225 TTSX, but also in a RUM. Had a fouling problem with them. Odd, but we were pushing them pretty hard. My buddy killed a bull at 300 and change. Hard quartering shot and the bullet went almost the whole length of the bull. Went back to the Accubond full time. mtmuley
I have a Ruger M77 tang safety 338 W.M. I shot 250 partitions for many years with great results. Accuracy was around 1MOA. The velocity was 2660 for my factory loads and my reloads were tuned to that velocity also. I also have shot some early 225 barnes X bullets that were very accurate. I tried 225 grain Accubonds but never found the right combination for an accurate load. I have also had great results with the 210 partitions. They have been as accurate as either the Barnes or 250 partitions. Currently that is my go to load.
It seems for me anyway the Nosler partition has always been an accurate reliable bullet for either of my 300's and the 338. The B.C. is a little less than some others such as the Accubond but in the real world it does not make a difference to the animal they just fall over DRT.
If given the time, id really like to give the 250gr Scenars a try in my 338. That 0.675 BC would really buck the wind! I've been super happy with the performance of the 6.5 version on critters.
I use Barnes ttsx 225 in mine. Only one creature so far but it flattened that bear
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