Yeti GOBOX Collection

Got a call from DS

Do you suppose it could be after 30-40 years of abuse that its finally having an impact?

No, couldnt be.
Thanks Dan...wish you would have been with us.

Nice of you to offer Bill....but in reality, we were a long ways from you, just in your part of the country.

MD......I know you don't like Buzz, and that makes you need to dog the hunt, but it was a good hunt, and Buzz being my partner doesn't change that. That guy is as good a partner as I could have.....a true sportsman. He keeps me in check. I tend to be the fast paced, gung-ho, let's do it and go type. But he is more of a "let's take our time and do-it-right" type. I would not hesitate to count on him in ANY situation. He is trustworthy and honest, and has a strong value system, and I imagine he can teach me a lot. I watched he pelt out a coyote we shot because "he wasn't going to waste the hide"..........what does that say about a fella? I understand your political differences with him, everyone has a different view. But the guy has my respect, and is first rate in my book.

I am not against ATV use.....but rather think they have a very important use. I did have to laugh at the good ol' boy network telling us "there were no elk"....then as we climbed to over 11,000 in the predawn hours, we began to see the "road-show" began. And even after we got off the mountain that afternoon, most had never left their vehicles, but rather patiently waited for the elk to magically appear. That don't make 'em bad.....and it don't make us superman.........just two different approaches I guess.

Mine goes something like this.....
Energy and Effort expended=higher sucess rate

Theirs might be......

Less energy and Effort=more riding time
..just two schools of thought I guess...each to his own.

Younghunter.....where do you find your info?
You might wann peak at a few harvest stats before making assumptions about the "good ol' days". Make no mistake about it, we are living in "the good ol' days". No better time to hunt elk that right now.

...just a wild guess here......are you part of a ranching family?.....or have family that is?....I seem to recognize the bias.....
Anyways.... Cograts guys
DS,im not putting down your hunt.
You have always been up front about how you hunt and you have always given others the same respect.
I agree with you that you get out of a hunt what you are willing to put into it.
But inless you are in the other mans shoe's it shouldnt be a put down on how someone else decides to hunt as long as its legal.
I was being serious in saying I like to see all those road hunters,it doesnt bother me a bit ,because if there happy hunting like that so am i and it gives me more room .
To each there own,there is to little of that being spread around these days and its taking its toll on hunting and firearm's.
Any animal and hunt is a good one in my book,as long as its legal.
I agree with you Miss Muley......I like seeing them too. I even told Buzz that. I felt like we had the "advantage" as soon as we left the road. And like you say, they were legal too, well, except for the couple of ATV riders we saw leaving the road even though there were signs prohibiting it. But there will always be a few bad apples. And no, we didn't bother turning them in...hell, we were an hour from anywhere, and thought it more important to hunt ourselves than to rideout for law enforcement. Atv's and other rigs are good things.....some folks don't get around so good, and I'm glad to see them get the chance to at least get out and hunt. It might be from a physical handicap......or just plain overweight, which can make it tough packing the extra pounds up the mountain. These folks are entitled too. I guess I was just amazed at how many roadhunters there were that day, in spite of the fact a guy HAD to hike up to get near any elk. It actually made for a great hunt, because we had the high stuff all to ourselves. And, one of the roadhunters gave us a lift a couple miles down the road to our truck...real nice guy. Yeah, it was just a cow.....but to me, it was more than was "an elk hunt".

Thanks to all you folks for reading us babble on about our last hunt of the was just a late cow hunt, but it sure does help with the withdrawals waiting for next season!!
My God!!!!!!!!!!!............what a blood spray!
.................uh, that is the exit wound people.................entered the other side at an angle...............double neck shot this time
.................she only went about 50 yards before piling up. She's a fat bitch ain't she?! That fugging top was like hunting Siberia...................70 mile and hour winds!
...........the bullets had a 3.335 degree of windage to the left
..............all factored in!

Buzzy.......put some scenery up here.........they have seen snow before!
She had a calf inside that was about 6 inches long...............ON THE LAST DAY OF JANUARY!
...............signs of poor nutrition and stress...........the calf had no chance of survival being so late and so small.......mortality rate is way high from the drought and poor winter range........

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-06-2003 21:16: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
taking the shot........


.........and the results........a smiling face


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-06-2003 21:39: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
A herd of about 60 elk making it up the other slope after surrendering a couple of their own.......

DS... MAN, Work on those pics bro.. Looks like ya shot her with a Howitzer

Cool pictures.. I expected to see some trees... Glad you put the pics up, Now I have a better visualization of the hunt. I love pics !!!! How much did the Hind quarters weigh
Yeah Oak.....felt like the Artic for sure......I even think I saw a couple of Muskox!

Moosie....not gonna get into the quarter weight debate
...all I know is we made one trip down until the snow ran out the last third of the way....then split the load in half for the rest of the way........about 6 hours in all, and a lot of exhaustion.

On the pix......Buzz posted the exit wound to get a rise, I'm sure
........the pic I posted of my cow is the entrance blood
........and that rig I was shooting may have been a howlitzer!
Thanks Younghunter.....that's why I would never make a good activist.......I have a lot more fun killin' shit than I I do arguing about everything that goes with it......guess that makes me like most every other selfish person
........correct my brother!.................with a 20 power scope and a set of Harris Bi-pods added on for good measure.
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