Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

google earth photos


New member
Nov 22, 2009
camp point , Illinois
Is there anyone on here thats really good at scouting via google earth? i just found a dandy piece of public land and have found it on google earth just wondering what i should be looking for?
They 'May' save you some foot work. Look for funnels, isolated thick stuff, bowls, if out west, a water hole............
When I was looking at property in Alaska I used it for hours and hours. Finally settled on a piece and it lived up to all my dreams.
I am now in your boat. Lookin to hunt unknown territory and looking for funnels, feed, bedding, cover etc.
I.m trying a different approach though. I'm looking at stuff close to roads, close to town that we usually drive past-finding some interesting results as well.
I love that program. I can pick an area and look it over real good. When I get there, I feel like I already know the place.

It takes a bit of google scouting and the real scouting to get a feel for what google earth is actually showing you though...it doesn't look exactly the same.
Yep, like said food cover, and water depending on the area. Then from there you can break down natural funnels and how to approach according to wind.
Well i hunted/ scouted it the other day, im in west central illinois by the way, it gets very little pressure im not really looking to kill a huge buck or anything just get some meat in the freezer.
its full of CRP , there is a 4 point per side minimum on the property and has 2 outfitters that border on either side so i do belive the potential is there for some huge bucks i did find a few tracks that were around 6 inches! but like i said im mostly concerned with getting a doe since i didnt get to do alot of pre season scouting and they do not allow deer stands so i have to hunt with both feet on ground.
around here they tend go over board the other way then most, used to be you couldnt find a young buck around here then once all the tv money started pouring in around here its rare very rare for them to let anyone shoot at anything under 140" i worked for one when i was going to school and couldnt belive the deer they let walk on those places. The biggest touble is that they dont take any does around here which jacks everything up BUT.... thats where me and the ol hoyt come in to play them a lil string music..
around here they tend go over board the other way then most, used to be you couldnt find a young buck around here then once all the tv money started pouring in around here its rare very rare for them to let anyone shoot at anything under 140" i worked for one when i was going to school and couldnt belive the deer they let walk on those places. The biggest touble is that they dont take any does around here which jacks everything up BUT.... thats where me and the ol hoyt come in to play them a lil string music..

I think Pike county's reputation has made it tough for a lot of people out your way; then there's all the silly antics, amateur dramatics and "high fiving" clowns on the hunting shows which serve to make hunters look like a bunch of Bozos. Pluck your magic twanger!
Tarheel, i agree completely i live in adams but hunt in brown, 6-10 years ago it was just adams, brown and pike now its the "golden triangle" its crazy how quick people have caught onto this im only 23 years old and in my hunting career is when it really happened its pretty crazy this time of year all you see around here are NY, New Jersey, Massachutes and florida licence plates on shiny trucks lol

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