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Good News, Bad News


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2019
Snorth Idaho
I thought I had a compressed nerve in my lower back. Bad.
Hurt like a SOB. Bad
Couldn't get a Dr appointment. Bad
Didn't sleep for 6 days. Bad
Got in to see the Doc. Good.
Not an impinged nerve - Shingles presenting w/o rash. Better
Waiting by the mailbox for Shingles meds to arrive. Worse
Shingles rash appears after 6 days. OK, diagnosis correct.
Clothes touching my body hurts. Adult kid living in the basement and can't go naked. Bad
Using hoarded kaftans from the 1970's. Good.
Getting older. Bad
Ex rodeo journeyman brother in law, one of the toughest people I know is fighting that stuff...he will substantiate your post.
Shingles are not fun. Had it a few years ago. Came down with it a few days prior to leaving for a fishing trip in northern Quebec. Toughed it out and went anyway. A rather unpleasant week!!
I was blessed to have a dr appointment the very morning my shingles started to erupt. Hit me with anit-virals right then - may be one of the few in the universe that had a mild case.

Karma. Came down with Giardiaisis the day after a vastectomy. Once the squirts were under control (18# later), I walked funny for about two weeks. I'm believing that's why I got the weak shingles.

And yes, it sucks. I watched my friend have three or four attacks of shingles after his bone marrow transplant. That guy has earned some good karma points, for sure.

Hope you get better quick.

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Had it!
Unreal how bad the stuff can hurt!
Had nerve pain where it was for up to a year or two after. Pain wasnt constant but outta no where for what ever reason would feel like needles!
Had shingles. Brutal. I was down for the count for too long. Glad I was young at the time. Can't imagine having them when older.
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