Good Luck, Big Fin

If you want to write any of the Congressmen/women, expressing your support for LWCF and the value Federal lands add to your life and your local economy, here are email/contact links to the members of the entire House Natural Resource Committee at this link....

and the Federal Lands Subcommittee (that is hold the hearing on Wednesday) at this link...

Also, I have been told you can watch the hearings at this link.
Thanks Randy ! The only land left to camp on in WY is federal land. If WY took over control of federal lands...there would be no where to camp.
Hey Randy, I'll be in D.C. tomorrow night through Saturday.
I'm going with a bunch of 8th graders.
When we get to the capitol building, I'll lead a cheering section.
Go Randy Go !
Just sent email to the committee.

Let them know that public lands and the LWCF are important.
Good idea, bringing peer pressure to the House and Senate! :D

Heh, not even at the peer level, A-Con's 8th graders are a step up from some of those cronies on the hill...

Randy, thank you for all you do for us, the public - OUR lands and the Land and Waters Conservation Fund. You are an amazing and inspirational outdoorsman!
Heh, not even at the peer level, A-Con's 8th graders are a step up from some of those cronies on the hill...

You are correct. After I hit the "Submit Reply" I remembered my own son, 14, is an eighth grader and conducts himself with more integrity than most politicians. :(
Sent my views on transfer of land in Montana.
Thanks Randy for taking the time to go there in person.
Good luck.
So I'm probably not as educated as some of you guys on this subject. Seems to me that this not only affects sportsmen but the general public, hikers, campers, tree huggers, etc. I would think the enviro groups would be all over this. Maybe they are?
Good Lord.

It's hard to tell whether or not this is about State vs Federal ownership of public lands or about the LWCF.

Watching the federal legislature in action is creepily similar to watching Montana's.
Good Lord.

It's hard to tell whether or not this is about State vs Federal ownership of public lands or about the LWCF.

Watching the federal legislature in action is creepily similar to watching Montana's.

It started off with a few of the experts petitioning for renewal of the LWCF but arguing that more money should go to state programs instead. Nobody has really argued yet that the LWCF is bad or that it shouldn't be renewed.
So I'm probably not as educated as some of you guys on this subject. Seems to me that this not only affects sportsmen but the general public, hikers, campers, tree huggers, etc. I would think the enviro groups would be all over this. Maybe they are?

It's widely supported across the conservation community:

The issue of stateside versus federal spending is important, but it's easily fixed by Congress living up to the promise it made 50 years ago to fully fund LWCF.

The arguments over the split result from Congress starving the fund and forcing the ranking system to chose winners and losers between excellent projects rather than apply the prescribed dollar figure to make things work as inteneded.
The enviro groups are picking it up big time and co-opting what real outdoors folks have been talking about for the last 10 yrs.
The selling of our heritage for a profit for select few.
Now it looks like we've been back stabbed and robbed by the Senate?
The only legislative group I believed had a few real outdoors folks I could trust,Senate Repubs....full sellout.
Nature Conservancy is all over it last night and today......strange bedfellows.....but I'll watch my own 6 from now on.
Surprised by some of the testimony...both good and bad.

I think the big picture is what Ben Lamb stated, fully funding and supporting/renewing the LWCF should be the focus.
Randy (and others), please send the fella from California a few pictures or videos of the animals you've shot in areas outside of California that have recently burned.

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