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God or No God??

Good insights. No doubt in my mind that Christ returned following his death. Why do I believe that? I couldn't explain it at gunpoint! In any case I believe for various reasons that life is not a temporary thing; just gets redirected after this phase. Question for me then is where and how do I want to spend it!
All religions are just a way for people to be more secure about dieing, A friend of mine has been pronounced dead 4 times, and each time has somehow come out of it,
He doesn't remember a thing, no white light no heaven no nothing, so does that mean he just wasn't dead long enough or does heaven not exsist, whatever it means i can't bring myself to beleive
Live like there is, love like he's not watching!!, and laugh loud enough for him to hear.
The true measure of man are those deeds done unseen!!


[ 06-15-2004, 03:32: Message edited by: chas031 ]
Certainly lots to chew on in this thread. I do believe in a higher being and that there is but one God. I don't worry about dying, I worry about living too long! If I can't enjoy my family and the things in life that I enjoy doing, why be alive? There's a huge difference in "living" and "being alive" in my opinion.
The whole subject of religion is based on faith, either you believe, or you don't. All I will tell you is that I have touched a greater power while out in my natural suroundings, it has taken many months and it is there for any one to partake in. It can't be explained, only experienced. It could be a greater external power, it could be the power that lies with in all of us. I don't know. I have my own ideals about what it is and until you experience it first hand, it would be worthless even trying to express my thoughts and beliefs on what exactly the power is...
Originally posted by pawclaws:
What JohnSWA said! One very distinct difference among Christianity and all other religeons; guess what it is? The Dead Sea Scrolls do not contradict nor disprove anything written in either the new or the old testaments. I don't know where you got such min-information but I think you should check your source. :D (That is meant in the friendliest sense not hostility or accusatory and such.) :D
From the articles that I've read in "time", "Scientific American", the local papers, and "Skeptical Inquirer" it seems that there is an awful lot of contradiction. What is/are your source(s)? if you don't mind me asking.
SRR, the source is very simple; read them both and compare them. Don't waste your time letting someone with an agenda interpret either for you unless of course you permit both sides equal, open access and their presentations are moderated in open debate. I'll see if I can lfind a source for you where the scrolls have been interpreted into English.
This looks like a pretty good place to start assuming you are already familiar with the texts of the Bible. Since the scrolls are largely in bits and pieces with many disjointed phrases they are a bit difficult to follow but I think you will get sufficient information to decide if there are conflicts among the documents. :D Enjoy!!
OPINION: The Bible, as we understand it, be it the King James Version or one of the later, more interpretive versions, are based on a translation of ancient script made during the middle ages. At that time, they had no comparative material nor anyone who was intimately familiar with the writings of Aramaic which had been a dead language for some years. What they had was teachings passed down for generations of Church faithful and a direction from the King. So there were several basic mistakes made during the transcription. One of the most blatant errors was in translating the Commandments. The words for kill and murder were often interchangable. So what was written as "Thou shalt not murder", was translated as "Thou shalt not kill". If you apply logic to the translation and understand that the people who were originally given these commandments were one of the most warring peoples to ever traverse the earth, it's easy to understand the difference. Many other mistakes have been made over the millenia that Christianity has been around. The basic precept is "Love thy neighbor as thy self", but no where does it say "let thy neighbor walk over you". The three major religions of today,, Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all founded in the same basic beliefs and stem from the same basic stories. They hold the same ancient prophets. They don't vary until the birth of Jesus. Then about 800 years later with the teachings of the Koran. Matter of fact... When the Christian armies of Europe launched the crusades, they slaughtered Moslem and Jew alike on the walls of the Holy Land. Held them in the same contempt and referred to all of them as "Momalukes". So it is strange that these people who fought together agaisnt the Chrisitans should now be at each other's throats over a little piece of desert that wouldn't grow anything but rocks until 50 years ago..
So.. how do you explain all of this or any of this to a 10 year old Israeli or Palestinian child when they ask why Papa is fighting?

Danr, That's a pretty easy question. You say; "Son, there are Muslims, and there are Muslims. There are Jews, and there are Jews. There are Christians, and then there are Christians. Some of them are a little strange!" ;)
Originally posted by pawclaws:
This looks like a pretty good place to start assuming you are already familiar with the texts of the Bible. Since the scrolls are largely in bits and pieces with many disjointed phrases they are a bit difficult to follow but I think you will get sufficient information to decide if there are conflicts among the documents. :D Enjoy!!
Yes, after a brief perusal, I feel that the gnosis folks have a) poorly translated the portions of the scrolls as printed and b) poorly translated Hebrew to English. From what I did see, was enough conflict to remain skeptical of King James version.
As for some one with an agenda, yes I'm wary of you and won't let you ( or anyone) decide for me.
Sounds to me like you already have let someone decide for you partner. Why else would you find the KJV suspect rather than find the Dead Sea Scrolls suspect? Maybe, if they aren't identical, they are both incorrect! I have no agenda. I suggest you re-examine yours. Point of order and a question. What superior knowledge of ancient languages empowers you to determine that the texts are "poorly translated"? If you see conflcts among the scrolls and KJV or any other version of the scriptures please point them out to me so I can be as wise. :D
Of course I believe in God. Read the bible from beginning to end carefully, studying it throughly as you go and you will get your answer on incest. There is no short cuts. READ THE BOOK!!!
There is some interesting insight to be gained from reading Robert Eisenman's James The Brother of Jesus, The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls. It seems there is quite a bit of historical evidence emerging that Paul hijacked the early church for mostly political reasons. Probably why the Roman Empire eventually accepted Christianity. Those of faith will probably not be shaken by such writings, while others will find the historical significance of them pertinent to our what we are facing in our time.
ya Washington hunter jeez....whats the matter with you punk...HA HA HA....i believe in god...but you will never find my ass in a chirch on a sunday....HELL NO ha ha ha