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God or No God??

Well let's see... If you figure that history is written by the winners, then you are only getting on point of view. So it's naturally skewed. If you accept the bible as being factual, then you must accept the Roman Catholic monks who translated the New Testament as being absolutely honest. You must accept that their knowledge of ancient aramaic and greek was up to the task and you must accept that there was no ulterior motive in creating a book to control the masses. Too many thing for me to take on faith. The Bible, as most of us know it, is full of mistranslations and misinterpretations. Too many errors to be absolutely, unequivacally accepted as being gospel.( No pun intended!) There is a thread of truth in there, but the trick is for each person to find it for themselves. When you find your personal truth, you will find your personal God.

I bet a heck of a lot of the people who put in for tags are praying when the date of the draw arrives.
Danr55 I find absolutely no conflict or error in the Bible. Arameic is an ancient spoken language.I believe the languages the New Testaments were based in were Hebrew and Greek.
p.s. I guess that's why they call it faith. :D
I'm impressed Dan! Yes, Hebrew and Greek were spoken at the time, but Dan is right also with the Aramaic tongue!

You guys blow me away!

God rocks! No matter which one you choose.

Peace to all!
DANR55, I stand corrected. I did a search of Aramaic and much to my surprise discovered that Aramaic is Hebrew script! :eek:
Hey there brother-man! How are things in Indy?

Danr,.....that post was dead on. You nailed that one.

This is actually a very funny group of folks we have posting on this topic. I have sore ribs as I scroll down the posts....
I have to agree with you feclnogn. In the words of L. Ron Hubbard, "If you want to be rich, start your own business. If you want to be really rich, start your own religion".

L. Ron Hubbard, creator of "Scientology"!

Too much religion out there and not enough God!,JMHO!
The discovery and translations of the dead sea scrolls proves that the Bible has been dramatically altered. But of couse theogins dissmiss them as "in accurate"

If you have studied any of the anchient religions you will see that Chritianity is a form of all the ancient religions in one form or another. Very close in most sences to Egyption creation. For chirstians to belive that thier religion is the "best" makes me laugh. They are no better than the Arabs, whos religion almost mirrors thier's. Hell they have most of the same players in thier comic book...

I don't waste my time worrying about religious things. Life's to short here and I got to get as much hunting in as possible before some one turns out the lights for ever.
There are simple truths that 'All' religions have in common. I do believe that every one sprang from the religion of Mother Earth and have been transformed by man as time passed, to fit the needs at the time of the writings. The biggest simple truth that all religion stems from is that of Faith. With out this one, none of it works...
What JohnSWA said! One very distinct difference among Christianity and all other religeons; guess what it is? The Dead Sea Scrolls do not contradict nor disprove anything written in either the new or the old testaments. I don't know where you got such min-information but I think you should check your source. :D (That is meant in the friendliest sense not hostility or accusatory and such.) :D
Just read your post Danr and couldn't agree more... I, for one, feel closer to my God when I'm at 9,000' in the mountains than I do sitting in any church! Not sure what it is... maybe it's DS's cookin' and a belly full of Crown!
Maybe you got something there IndyJay!! Somewhere in the Good Book there is something said about being able to see God in the Trees and the Forests. Can't remember where. I suppose I better go look it up though. Somebody will want proof! :rolleyes:
By the way.. Genisis 1:28.... You may want to read that Paws.. It says something about being fruitful and multiplying and "Replenish the earth" and subdue it etc...

My religous beliefs are somewhat askew from what's probably considered normal but i see the basis for my beliefs in what danr and some others have written... in my opinion, man, throughout time, has assigned a God to a force of nature he couldn't explain scientifically, hence we've moved from a polytheistic to a monotheistic society...

But, we still don't know what happens to us after we die... I mean REALLY know...

I could go on... but I'll spare you good forum folks my ramblings!
That's what faith is IndyJay. Before I became a "born again" Christian I thought much the same. Since then something new has been added. Maybe faith is just @#)(# sure ignorance! Thanks Danr55; which version are you reading?
Never mind Danr55, I found it in the KJV. Thanks again! You know reviewing that I got a little more insight into why God may have been so upset over Cain's offering of grain.
Indy, you are asking a rhetorical question. If it's possible to come back after death, then what is to say that it hasn't already happened? The Bible claims the Jesus returned after his death. If coming back isn't possible, then what's to worry?? So there you have it.. If you accept that it can be done, then you should accept that it has been done. If you don't accept that it can be done, then why worry??

Besides, Can you see some clown on Oprah explaining how he was dead and came back to life with a critique on the experience?? Someone would want to give him his own talk show.. ..
