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Gobble gobble Spring Turkey 2025

Good luck I never apply for those because they are usually during the regular season and I’ve got some killer spots around home. Holler at me when you come and maybe we can get together. That’s only a couple hours from me.
I’ll be honest I’m realizing the same thing.

My farms in Sedalia and green ridge have birds I can get into.

I think I’ll just use this more as an excuse to go camping and try a new place!
Haven't shot a turkey in a couple of years (my best friend has 350 acres of river bottom in Nebraska so I have killed quite a few) but I have got the Itch back this Spring. Still got a month before season opens here so I have time to dig out decoys and blind.
Made the hop down to some public in Florida this morning, I only heard one bird at daylight but I was able to cut his track in a sand road and made a pretty good setup. All I managed was to call a few hens up.
45° and not a cloud in the sky


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Birds have moved into the Creek and the front pasture. Started with 5 jakes and a dozen hens... Now got a longbeard and his ladies shooting pornos in the middle of the day in front of my horse that's old enough to drive. Season doesn't open until the 29th....
At the end of my driveway yesterday. There were 6 big gobblers, several jakes, and lots of hens. Season for me isn’t until the 21st of April, my youngest is in his last year as a youth, that is the second weekend in April. Hopefully they will still be around.
Rained all day here. The birds were out in full force eating worms and bugs and such.
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