Goat decoy/ with white suit?? ever try it?

Being you've had that many tags, most likely here in CO, you know they are very approachable. I'd simply zig zag up to him and let him/them see me the whole way. If, and that's a "big if" they showed signs of concern, I'd sit down for awhile and let them cool down.

I've only arrowed two Billies, but the hunt compared to sheep was more about the country and getting to them vs their "Smarts". They remind me of Ptarmigan.
The bigger billies in G5 tend to be a bit spookier than that, if I was looking for a little one the most effective way would be sitting in my tent in a certain basin and waiting for the goats to taste test the tent...
the mature ones tend to be a couple thousand feet up from there perched in the cliffs watching the show, I'd put them on par with a mature mule deer for difficulty, definitely a different animal than the young ones...
I played with the white jacket up there a bit, it seemed to keep them from spooking but they kept a pretty large buffer on me, I don't think I was able to get closer than about 100 yards with it before they would walk away and maintain at least that distance.
That "Certain Basin" wouldn't do anything for me from many points of view. There are some big goats down there. I'm at max points, and struck out. Hopefully get down Durango way one of these years although I saw a crusher in G6 last year in a nasty place all alone acting like "he owned the place"