PEAX Equipment

Goat area 314 quality

For the OP, I killed my goat in the southern part of the Unit on November 2nd and it had plenty of hair by then. I passed and/or looked at a total of 63 goats per my journal entries and saw another 8 while elk hunting after I had already killed my goat. I'm sure some were repeats, but I have no doubt that at least 40 where separate goats.

The FWP aged the goat at 4.5 years old, I believe that was accurate. Horns were 9 1/8.

Saw grizzly tracks in the snow several times and also followed a wolverine track for a few hours one day as well. Good luck on your hunt...its a neat place to spend some time.


Another picture the day I killed my goat...all nannies and kids, haired up for winter:

Does anyone beside me see the trouble with this?

When hunters know more about the unit than the biologists, who are making the decisions on harvest numbers, etc...Houston, we have a problem.

Same thing when a friend drew a tag years ago in the Bitterroots. He called the local biologists/fwp and wanted to know about the populations, etc. similar to what the OP is asking. He was told to contact Duncan Gilchrist as he "probably knows more about the goats than we do".

Gee, I wonder why we're down to 1 goat tag in the 'root?

To answer the OP's initial question, I hunted goats there a long time ago and any information I have would be out of date. Judging by the number of goats I saw way back then, and knowing they have spread out more, I would think there are good mature billy goats to be had.
Two points:
1. One year I contacted the FWP biologist about sheep in a portion of one of the unlimited sheep units. The biologist told me there were not any sheep in that portion on the unit. I went into that area anyway and killed a full curl ram. Two of the hunters in another camp in that drainage also killed rams that day. The next day they stopped my camp, and in talking with them, they said they were friends with the biologist that I had talked to and he had told them to hunt there.

2. The year after I killed the above ram, I hunted in another part of that unit. The second day of that hunt I came within 20 yards of two legal rams. Since I had killed a full curl ram the previous year I passed on those rams. The rams ran up the mountain and a guided hunter gut shot one of the rams and both rams ran by me, the wounded one dragging his intestines. I didn't want to see that ram to suffer more so I followed it and finished it off. I then went and found the outfitter and took them back to the ram. They didn't have any idea where that ram had gone. I also helped them pack that ram back to their camp. That was the only ram killed in that unit that year.

The next year I went back into that area and killed the other one of the two rams that I had seen the previous year. When I checked my ram into the FWP office I also looked at the previous years kill records. The only ram killed in that unit the previous year, the ram that I actually finished off, had a listed kill location several miles from where it was actually killed. I think the outfitter wanted to keep the kill location secret.

Many hunters like to keep their hunting areas secret, and don't always report the correct information to the FWP.
Two points:
1. One year I contacted the FWP biologist about sheep in a portion of one of the unlimited sheep units. The biologist told me there were not any sheep in that portion on the unit. I went into that area anyway and killed a full curl ram. Two of the hunters in another camp in that drainage also killed rams that day. The next day they stopped my camp, and in talking with them, they said they were friends with the biologist that I had talked to and he had told them to hunt there.

2. The year after I killed the above ram, I hunted in another part of that unit. The second day of that hunt I came within 20 yards of two legal rams. Since I had killed a full curl ram the previous year I passed on those rams. The rams ran up the mountain and a guided hunter gut shot one of the rams and both rams ran by me, the wounded one dragging his intestines. I didn't want to see that ram to suffer more so I followed it and finished it off. I then went and found the outfitter and took them back to the ram. They didn't have any idea where that ram had gone. I also helped them pack that ram back to their camp. That was the only ram killed in that unit that year.

The next year I went back into that area and killed the other one of the two rams that I had seen the previous year. When I checked my ram into the FWP office I also looked at the previous years kill records. The only ram killed in that unit the previous year, the ram that I actually finished off, had a listed kill location several miles from where it was actually killed. I think the outfitter wanted to keep the kill location secret.

Many hunters like to keep their hunting areas secret, and don't always report the correct information to the FWP.
Commendable of you to finish that ram and take them to it. Much respect sir!
Two points:
1. One year I contacted the FWP biologist about sheep in a portion of one of the unlimited sheep units. The biologist told me there were not any sheep in that portion on the unit. I went into that area anyway and killed a full curl ram. Two of the hunters in another camp in that drainage also killed rams that day. The next day they stopped my camp, and in talking with them, they said they were friends with the biologist that I had talked to and he had told them to hunt there.

2. The year after I killed the above ram, I hunted in another part of that unit. The second day of that hunt I came within 20 yards of two legal rams. Since I had killed a full curl ram the previous year I passed on those rams. The rams ran up the mountain and a guided hunter gut shot one of the rams and both rams ran by me, the wounded one dragging his intestines. I didn't want to see that ram to suffer more so I followed it and finished it off. I then went and found the outfitter and took them back to the ram. They didn't have any idea where that ram had gone. I also helped them pack that ram back to their camp. That was the only ram killed in that unit that year.

The next year I went back into that area and killed the other one of the two rams that I had seen the previous year. When I checked my ram into the FWP office I also looked at the previous years kill records. The only ram killed in that unit the previous year, the ram that I actually finished off, had a listed kill location several miles from where it was actually killed. I think the outfitter wanted to keep the kill location secret.

Many hunters like to keep their hunting areas secret, and don't always report the correct information to the FWP.
How’d you do this since there’s a seven-year waiting period after harvest?
Many hunters like to keep their hunting areas secret, and don't always report the correct information to the FWP.

I agree on unlimited sheep...but goat tags you wont draw for at least another 7 years, and more than likely never draw again?

I'm not sure, but IIRC, knowingly falsifying an affidavit you sign on a kill location can get a person a fine.
How’d you do this since there’s a seven-year waiting period after harvest?
Like EYJONAS! posted, that was in the early '80s before FWP started the 7 year wait.

BuzzH said:
...but goat tags you wont draw for at least another 7 years, and more than likely never draw again?
I drew my last Montana goat tag in 1978 and have applied every year since then unsuccessfully.
mt_archery_guy How did your hunt turn out? I drew this goat unit year and am psyched. Planning on starting my 10 dayer on 9/22. For any of the peeps that might know that unit or Gallatin crest area...i'd love to PM with ya. One question I have is, where the F is the water? There's a few pond/lakes back towards Ramshorn/Fortress. Cheers
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