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Goals for 2005 Gobbler season

Good luck on the house hunting T Bone,sure hope you can get out and chase Gobblers this Spring.
Good luck on the draw BHR.
Joe RAC good luck on the filming and taking a bird,hope it works out for ya.

I head out this coming Saturday with the guys from the NWTF Comittee to go gather up the majority of our Banquet donations from the local vendors in the area.Its definately going to be a busy few weeks coming up for sure.Also sent an email to Cabelas to see if they wanted to be kind to us and donate anything.
Well, since my daughter drew her first tag this year, first and foremost is making sure she gets her first bird. We drew third season Hamilton Co. here in Illinois(it was my fith choice). I think we got that choice because I put in as a group so we could make sure and have the same season.
As for me, I am hoping to take my bird with my bow. I have only taken one with a bow, and it was pure luck I got it. During the fall season I was actually hunting deer at the time and this bird walked under my stand and stopped about 10 yds. right in front of me. I guess I would rather be lucky than good, it fills the dinner pot faster...LOL :D
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