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Glad I had a tourniquet

Ya I’m an old soldier. now retired. Ive had a lot of training thankfully. It saved me. But I was bleeding very severely and was applying high pressure when my son put the RATs on my leg. Still have no feeling in the leg unfortunately.
It was more a generic statement more than anything else.

I was going over an old barbed wire fence.
The wire snapped Like a rubber band, I was straddling over the wire when it went. A BARB CUT THROUGH MY WOOL COVERALLS, MY DENIM PANTS, MY WOOL LONG UNDERWEAR. It scratched the skin over my femoral artery.
I would have been dead before I got back to my truck.
I now carry a packet of fast clout sheets in my pack on an outside pocket.
It may not have saved my leg but maybe my life.
I don't know how I would have used a tourniquet with a cut like that.
About all you can do there is put the CAT as high up on your leg as you can.
How are you now? How long were you non-weight bearing? That’s so crazy, and I’m happy someone found and refreshed this, or my eyes may have never been opened to it… building houses every day, I think a ton about the nails that may not be entirely sunk or staples that shine thru. There’s always still rookies that are too lazy to bend them over or pull them and injuries happen almost daily on construction sites. Certainly a tool that would be worth adding to my hunting pack and the work trailer.

A group of coworkers were in a work accident a couple years back, where the trusses collapsed on everyone in four corners, MT. They were trying a new method of securing each truss, and that method didn’t work as well as the tried and true, 25.5” or 22.5” blocks. They also went over 60’ before thinking to plumb them and secure with a diagonal. When they collapsed a good friend (overweight I have to add) fell thru the trusses and his arm snapped causing the bone to protrude thru his elbow. Another coworker grabbed an air hose, cut a section and wrapped it around my friends arm. He said when he secured a second loop and pulled tight, the blood spurting ceased immediately and it caused the rescuing friend to vomit. It took 6 dudes to load my friend into a pickup and my old boss drove him to the hospital. That was the worse injury of any of the coworkers in that incident thankfully, and Derrick is eternally grateful for Ryan saving his arm. Quick thinking can save lives..

This post is a great reminder of that. Hope all is well with you now, partner! Sorry for my lengthy story, don’t mean to derail!
My leg healed nicely. I have a massive scar and no feeling from the knee to the foot along the inside. I was always weight bearing. The big issue was concern of infection. The moral is keep those med supplies very close at hand
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