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Ginger Ale

Jack and ginger always treated me better than Jack and coke if I was having more than a couple. Only have ever drank it at a bar.
As to the OP's question, I have noticed that people drink ginger ale on airplanes much more frequently than on the ground.

As to LJS, why people go is beyond me. I will say a word for Golden Corral, though, as a youngster I thought it was great! Haven't been to one in years, though.
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I am not too refined for Sizzler that’s for sure. I vividly remember Sizzler TV commercials too. There was a solid couple years in the 90’s when my parents go-to places “out” we’re Sizzler and TCBY. It was an era.

Sizzler was my great grandmothers go to place. I always figured it was an age thing. Nobody is quite sure when she was born. She threw out a lot of inconsistent dates.
That’s funny, I’m one of those in question. I don’t get any kind of motion sickness but always order it or cran juice on a flight 🤷🏻‍♂️. I was gonna add what the hell is Fresca other than cheap Squirt?

Regarding LJS, those are the people who are too impatient to wait at Wienerschnitzel 🤢
Gin n ginger with a splash of OJ. I don’t know, we almost always have Gingerale around. It’s a good refreshing drink. I actually prefer the diet stuff
Hit the one in Anchorage before taking the redeye flight home. Figured a full belly was going to make it through til we got back home.
For Me, Golden Trough for a flight is a one way ticket to the high flying crapper!
Nothing like squeezing in an airplane cubbyhole crapper at 6'01 240#'s, though Golden Trough would sure encourage some quick thinking!

I have Canada Dry Ginger Ale in the fridge. Taste pretty good. YMMV.
I am not too refined for Sizzler that’s for sure. I vividly remember Sizzler TV commercials too. There was a solid couple years in the 90’s when my parents go-to places “out” we’re Sizzler and TCBY. It was an era.
I shit myself at the table in a Sizzlers when I was in 4th grade. My parents and the parents of some of my friends on my baseball team used to like to go to Sizzles after games. After plowing through about six pounds of mac and cheese, sausage, and mint chip pie, my guts just sort of let loose before I even could understand what was happening to me. Mom wasn’t happy, but my buddies got a kick out of it.