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Gierach Died

One of my favorite authors.
He had a knack for "taking you along fishing" and making you laugh.
That’s truly a bummer. Hope it happened while he waist deep in a good trout stream.
I caught a 22" Rainbow in front of Geirach, with my tall redhead wife rowing the drift boat, wearing her John Wayne Stetson, as she did for every hunting and fishing trip; pretty beat up. He smiled and and gave us (probably her) a soft thumbs up.

She always insisted I match the hatch, and then she would fish, and we would alternate.

I don't think he ever had that relationship, and I am sad for him.

Anyway, he came to fame about the time I reached my peak of obsession that I started at age 12 in farm ponds in the Mid/Southwest; bluegills and bass.

No one has chronicled the everyday, workmanship angler as well.

We have lost a great one.

May your Happy Hunting Lands include virgin trout streams.

Side note: After my SIL's Uncle died, he had a dream, in which his Uncle, recently passed (a Lutheran Minister) said, it's great; you get to fish every day!

RIP, John

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