Kenetrek Boots

Getting a Howa 6.5 CM to Shoot Better


Active member
Mar 5, 2018
I bought two 6.5 Creedmoors at the same time - a Browning X-Bolt Stalker and a SS Howa 1500. Both have 22 inch barrels. My plan was to shoot them both and keep the one I liked best. The Browning is a real shooter with several groups 1/2 inch and less right out of the gate. The action is super smooth and I like the short bolt throw. I got the trigger lightened up and like the gun except for the tupperware stock.

Moving on to the Howa - I bought a Bansner Alpine stock for it and opened up the barrel channel to accept the #2 contour barrel and free floated it. This is my first 2 stage trigger and I like it a lot. The action is acceptably smooth and I really want to like the gun but so far 1 - 1 1/2" groups are the best I can get out of it. Granted I haven't shot it a lot but the CM is known for not being finicky. I'm tried Reloder 16 with 143 ELD-X and 140 Accubonds. I should also mention I have reloaded and tinkered with guns for decades but the 6.5 CM is a new cartridge to me. So with all that said, are there any Howa accuracy suggestions or 6.5 tricks that may help tighten up my groups? If I can get the Howa to shoot, I will keep both - one for me and one for the wife.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Has anyone else shot it? Sometimes certain guns just fit certain people better than others, and because of that they shoot them better. Also, check the recoil lug contact with the stock. Bedding could help if there is negligible, uneven, or no contact
I have two 6.5 cm in 2 different Weatherby vanguard platforms (made by Howa). They both shoot under 1” groups but with different ammo. The Camilla likes 130 Sierra gamechangers and 130 gr Barnes tsx. The wilderness really only seems to like Nosler AbLr (tried 120 Nosler E-tips, Barnes TSx, Sierra gamechanger, and Nosler Accubond Long range). Both are loaded with H 4350. I’ve tried RL -17 and IMR but they both do better with H4350. It took me a while with the second gun but after 4 bullet types and multiple ladders later I’m very happy with the loads.

My son shot his first big game animal (antelope) last week. 1 shot kill, took less then ten steps and he was done.

I would say if you can keep trying different bullets and loads. You will find one that will get you keeping both.
For whatever reason Browning isn’t sexy in the HT world but X-Bolts are great rifles for the price.
That Bansner stock needs to be bedded.
2 go to powders are rl16 and h4350. The 143x bullet is jump sensitive and I've found great results with .060"- .090" from the lands so don't be afraid to jump them or load them to book length.
I reluctantly have a 6.5m, but I was highest bidder at auction. Its a Howa 6.5 1500. The action is horrible but it shoots very well. The first two shots at 100 yards were touching. I shot about 2 boxes and got it all sighted in. It shoots consistently at 3/4". I have only shot Horandy American Whitetail through it. Shoots way better than I expected. My father in law has both a Savage and Browning X-Bolt Pro in 6.5. He has tried about a dozen factory rounds. the browning shoots just over 1/2" the Savange about 3/4". the best accuracy came from the American Whitetail also. I dunno as its the cheapest ammo out there.
That Bansner stock needs to be bedded.
2 go to powders are rl16 and h4350. The 143x bullet is jump sensitive and I've found great results with .060"- .090" from the lands so don't be afraid to jump them or load them to book length.

I suspect this may be right. Lot of guy's get plastic stocks or whatever they are made of and never give a thought to bedding. What I think is that every stock is exactly the same, well sort of. They are made by machine's I think and there has to be small difference's that can throw them off depending on the stock. if machines could be accurate enough them why aren't wood stock's good to go without bedding? Actually some are!

You said your keeping one, I think the one to keep is the Browning, you already seem to like it very well.
That Bansner stock needs to be bedded.
2 go to powders are rl16 and h4350. The 143x bullet is jump sensitive and I've found great results with .060"- .090" from the lands so don't be afraid to jump them or load them to book length.

.040 was the most jump I tried with the 143x on the Howa. I'll try seating some deeper as you suggested. The Browning likes them .020.

Have you bedded a Bansner / Howa before?
I bought two 6.5 Creedmoors at the same time - a Browning X-Bolt Stalker and a SS Howa 1500. Both have 22 inch barrels. My plan was to shoot them both and keep the one I liked best. The Browning is a real shooter with several groups 1/2 inch and less right out of the gate. The action is super smooth and I like the short bolt throw. I got the trigger lightened up and like the gun except for the tupperware stock.

Moving on to the Howa - I bought a Bansner Alpine stock for it and opened up the barrel channel to accept the #2 contour barrel and free floated it. This is my first 2 stage trigger and I like it a lot. The action is acceptably smooth and I really want to like the gun but so far 1 - 1 1/2" groups are the best I can get out of it. Granted I haven't shot it a lot but the CM is known for not being finicky. I'm tried Reloder 16 with 143 ELD-X and 140 Accubonds. I should also mention I have reloaded and tinkered with guns for decades but the 6.5 CM is a new cartridge to me. So with all that said, are there any Howa accuracy suggestions or 6.5 tricks that may help tighten up my groups? If I can get the Howa to shoot, I will keep both - one for me and one for the wife.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
I'm in the same boat, can't get the howa better than 1.5". Not sure what the deal is to be honest, I've tried different loads and powders, so if you figure it out, let me know!
I am in the same boat too. I have a Weatherby Vanguard 2 in 300WM that will not shoot factory or handloads. I am sending it off to have it rebarreled.
.040 was the most jump I tried with the 143x on the Howa. I'll try seating some deeper as you suggested. The Browning likes them .020.

Have you bedded a Bansner / Howa before?
You really need to play with jump, big distances. For hornady bullets I'll start with .035, .060, .090, .120 and then narrow it down from there.
I've bedded quite a few howas, you could probably even say I worked there for a number of years.

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