Gas Prices,,,,,,,


New member
Apr 28, 2001
,,,,,,Are nuts :mad: The cheap stuff in my neck of the woods is $2.15 a gal. I've hear of a place in Cal. is up too $4.00...I think it time for a little investigation....West coast $2.00 plus,,,some places on the east coast less than $2.00 :mad: By the way,,,,Why is the oil from Alaska going to Japan, instead of staying here :confused: After all isn't that why the pipeline was built, so the good ol' U.S. wouldn't be so dependent on Opec :eek:

I got $1.94 here in Fargo, heard of cheap stuff for as much as $2.10 in South Dakota.

Talked to a gas station manager Saturday and asked if his business had slowed down at all. He said it has still been as busy as it ever is, that's not a good sign to me. I consumers don't slow their gas purchases there will be no reason for oil/gas companies to decrease price. Not thta I am going to drive less...

$2.15 a gal here for the cheap stuff. I read where they did a study here to determine where people were cutting back to make ends meet with the gas so high and they found that the grocery stores were the ones feeling the crunch. People were buying just as much fuel but fewer grocerys. Go figure.
I found gas here from anywhere from $1.96 - $2.20 for supper and $1.83 - $2.09 for regular. We havn't hit the real crunch just yet I'm afraid though... I'm sure glad that I only have to drive my 15 miles per week however... I take my bike when ever its not raining, but I feel sorry of the people that don't have that luxury! I would be feeling it if I still had my last job... 70 miles a day... Oooh my but hurts just thinking about it!
i have been paying anywhere from 1.49 to 2.79 for deisel and i buy about 200 gallons every other day.i was looking at some previous years tax records and have found that i was spending under 2000 a month 2 years ago and now my average fuel bill is 4-4500 per month. i sure wish my money would double in just 2 years.
One reason California gas is higher is because they are required to use a low emissions blend which cost more to produce. If you compare it to the past the cost of gasoline is the same as it was in 1981, after figuring in inflation.

I am curious how many would be willing to give up their SUV's and big 4 wheel drive P/U. I certainly don't want to and will just pay the price at the pump. Remeber that the current rack price (read prior to state and federal taxes) is approximately $1.56 per gallon. So it is not just the oil companies who have their finger in the cash register it is the local and federal governments.

Also if you think our gas is expensive go to Europe where is regulary sells for up to $6.00 per gallon.

Its not a shortage of gas. They just jacking the prices up. All the companies are doing it. Isn't that called PRICE FIXING in all other businesses? Isn't that ILLEGAL?

Just wondering if you have any proof of this.
Its not a shortage of gas . They just jacking the prices up. All the companies are doing it. Isn't that called PRICE FIXING in all other businesses? Isn't that ILLEGAL?
Most things that I read state that there actually is not a shortage of crude but of refining capacity for gas. The refining capacity is limited and actually was reduced due to some huge fires at refining plants in Texas and California. How many of us would be willing to have a refinery out our back door?
I am not saying that the oil market is not manipulated by OPEC and Big Oil but the price of gas is coming back in line with what the gas prices should be given inflation.
Anyone willing to buy less gas and forgo a trip and/or a hunt in order to reduce your demand for the oil companies product? If we, the consumer, still buy their product then the price must be what the market is willing to pay. I think that is the theory of supply and demand.

It is just easier to gripe and moan and demand our government lower gas prices because we Americans believe cheap gas is our birthright.

There is a move on here in Fl. not to buy gas on May 19. If everyone would not buy fuel for 1 day it would back the refinery's up with stock!
I paid $2.06 for Diesel at the Flying J yesterday in Phx. Az. I bought my truck 6 months ago and I was paying $1.60 for fuel and feeling bad for the folks paying $1.90 for regular. In the last month or so, diesel has almost caught up to regular gas, Good Luck, JLG.
I think higher gas prices are a good thing. Is there any other way to get people to use less gas? I don't think so. There is nothing wrong with gas companies selling gas for whatever consumers are willing to pay. I like having cheap gas as much as anybody, as I drive a gas hog truck that averages 16 mpg, and hunting/scouting trips are sure getting mroe expensive. But why would anybody sell gas for less than consumers are willing to pay? :confused:
Washington hunter, I think you are wrong in the quote
There is nothing wrong with gas companies selling gas for whatever consumers are willing to pay.
If you want to get to work or need to get to school you NEED to buy gas. If your business is Gas based, like truck drivers , delivery drivers ect. you NEED to buy gas.

You see its not a point where teh consumer is willing to pay anymore, We are all dependant of Gasoline for our vehicles now. so we are forced to pay it if we want to get the next paycheck.

I think the gas companies use any excuse to raise the prices...I remember a few years ago, they were complaining that they were having problems at one of the refineries so gas had to jump quite a bit for that time over the whole U.S. No matter what they like to say, they are not getting hurt...
I dont know about the rest of you but the gas prices are curtailing my hunting days this spring. When it costs me 20 bucks for a 1/2 tank of gas I only use the vehicle when I must.

I do have a couple of refineries in my backyard(less than 2 miles away) and they stink like no tomorrow.

My boat holds 70 gals of gas, I would burn 60-100 gals of gas a week between the truck and the boat just fishing. and thats just prefishing 1-2 times

A local gas station here has on there board that says the price for low graed gas is 2:15. and then they have for Mid ONE ARM. and for High it is ONE LEG.
Here it is 2.05 - 2.18 for diesel and a little less for regular no lead. Sure glad my boss gave me a work truck and pays for the gas.
I don't take the trips to Helena to do work with the crew as much as I did last year. The bare minimum trips, I have also found the trips to the Big Hole have been knocked down substantialy also. :( I will have to try and get a trip over there in not to long, and see if I can't grab up a couple dozen fish for my efforts...
With the gas prices out here, I'm not going to be able to do half the stuff that I had planned...Like going to the ocean this year for fishing, camping, crabbing...Let alone going to the Pugent Sound for salmon fishing...All of my hunting( If I don't get drawn for a doe tag) will be done within 10 miles from home on Ft. Lewis...And thats just the fun stuff...We're talking (Becky and me) about cutting down the size of our yard,,and increase the pasture..It may be by only a couple of feet(about 100'X 20') but why mow it when the cows can eat it.

For people who plan on outfitter/guided hunts you better plan on spending a lot more money...

I wonder what the gas price would be if everyone,and mean everyone stayed home this comming holiday weekend...

Oh the hell with it,,,I'm just going to win the damn lottery, so I can afford to go to work

I don't see it causing any problems, gasoline is really one of least thoughts in budgeting my Trips, what am I going to do? Pass up a trip, I don't think so! In fact, Saturday I bought a 37' 300 turbo diesil motor home. I can tow one of my Jeeps behind it and carry Four of my friends. When we all pitch in it really is'nt that bad. And I really enjoy a road trip!

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