Gas Prices,,,,,,,

I'm with WH, we needed a wake up call.

Maybe we should be demanding more fuel efficiency, public transportion, conservation efforts, etc. etc. etc.

Time to pay the piper...

To keep on topic, reg. unleaded here is $1.81, a few cents cheaper in Cheyenne.
Well Tony I paid $2.19 for the cheap stuff this morning and it has been quite a few months since I filled up both tanks aswell.Our family vacation to the Calgary Stampede has been cancelled due to fuel prices and my moms cancer,the surgery went very well yesterday
That is very good Kevin, I'm glad she came out OK..
I'm sad that your trip got cancelled though...
One good thing I would suppose, would be that with the prices as high as they are, local (U.S.) petroleum will be sought after by those that own the property in the U.S. and be digging more for it, higher prices=more holes.
That is what happened when the timber prices went way up some ten years ago. We started logging the heck out of our natural resources, I exported a lot of it during that time, then the price dropped into the toilet again and the logging didn't totally cease, but was cut down drasticaly.
I can see our own domestic oil fields being used, exploited (which ever you word you prefer to use) a heck of a lot more with the high hikes.
I just got my calculator out and did a little figuring to see how much gas prices really affect me. With a 17 mile drive to work and a car that gets 31 mpg, and using a cost of $1.50 per gallon, I spend $36 a month on gas commuting to work. Even if gas were to go as high as $3/gallon, that would only be an additional $36 per month expense. I think I can live with that. The hunting/scouting/camping trips will definitely be more expensive since for that I will be driving my truck, and driving a lot more miles, but still it shouldn't be that big of a deal with 2 or 3 guys riding in one truck and splitting the cost.
I really think the gas prices are playing mind games with people, a year ago they were only 50 cents less a gallon, give or take. That is what, that extra coke or thank God I've quit a can of smokeless tobacco.
If you want to get to work or need to get to school you NEED to buy gas. If your business is Gas based, like truck drivers , delivery drivers ect. you NEED to buy gas.
My boat holds 70 gals of gas, I would burn 60-100 gals of gas a week between the truck and the boat just fishing. and thats just prefishing 1-2 times

Delw, I am not picking a fight here but there are some who would say that fishing is then a luxury and you shouldn't complain about that. If you decide to burn $120 to $200 worth of gas to fish then you have that right but that is not the same thing as a delivery or truck driver.

Just my opinion

I work for a trucking company and the fuel costs are driving the industry to a slow death. I used to complain about having to put $25-30 of fuel into my pickup. Now I have two of my own diesel tractors leased onto the company I work for, and between the two I am paying out $800-$900 per day for fuel, which really hurts. It was pretty much a break even deal before, now it is just lose until you go broke.. I don't know who is to blame but just wish someone would help! And the sad part is, it will just trickle down to all of us as consumers in the food we buy, and the other "stuff" we all need or want. They said it correctly above when they said that truck drivers "NEED" to buy fuel, but when you are still losing your butt, what do you do????
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