Gals, how did you learn to hunt?

Well once you're through the first gate (submitting a questionnaire and some pics to the ether) they called me and explained the process. The next gate involved submitting hours of footage with very specific asks (starting a fire, hunting skills, bushcraft, etc).

Took me a few weeks to get it all together and uploaded. Once that was complete I had a 30-45min interview over skype (outside). The casting people take the interview footage and hours of outdoor footage (I had to build a shelter and send that all in unedited!) and edit it all into a short 'pitch' video that they bring to the producers and decide who from this pool gets to go to "Alone bootcamp" (20 people are picked for this and those 20 are cut to 10 for the actual show). I did not get to go to bootcamp but there's probably a cool 'action video' of me on somebody's harddrive somewhere!
If the producers of Alone think like Survivor contestants, they may have you in mind for future seasons. Lots of Survivor folks have applied for years, before the right "mix" of contestants is formed for a season. In their minds, there have been too many @ammo type contestants, and will need you for next season.
If the producers of Alone think like Survivor contestants, they may have you in mind for future seasons. Lots of Survivor folks have applied for years, before the right "mix" of contestants is formed for a season. In their minds, there have been too many @ammo type contestants, and will need you for next season.
I hope so - everyone laughs when I call it my "dream vacation" (eg you mean everyone leaves me alone while I fish and hunt for 3 months? sounds great)
I have a question specifically to you gals and it's kinda quiet in this section, so: how did you learn to hunt? Did someone teach you, and if so, who? Are you self-taught? When did you start hunting? I imagine you have some great stories; let's hear them!
I was taught by my Ex boyfriend, but after the breakup, there was no way I was going to stop!! I am currently gearing up for my first solo Waterfowl hunt in CA. Im nervous & excited. Research research!!!!
I was taught by my Ex boyfriend, but after the breakup, there was no way I was going to stop!! I am currently gearing up for my first solo Waterfowl hunt in CA. Im nervous & excited. Research research!!!!
Excellent! Good for you. Let us know how it goes!
I have a question specifically to you gals and it's kinda quiet in this section, so: how did you learn to hunt? Did someone teach you, and if so, who? Are you self-taught? When did you start hunting? I imagine you have some great stories; let's hear them!
When I was 34 and my kids were toddlers, we had recently moved to central IL and bought 5 acres. That place is dripping with whitetail. I would see them all the time on the way home from work. My family doesn’t hunt, my husband doesn’t hunt, but I decided I wanted to. So, I bought a compound bow and taught myself how to shoot. That winter I got a deer. Sadly, my only successful hunt so far. A few months after I got that deer, we moved to NM. NM has an awesome hunting variety, but so hard to draw a tag. I have drawn 3 tags in the past 6 years, elk once, deer once, javelina once. I was so close on the elk and javelina hunts, but ultimately haven’t had any successful hunts. I’m trying to get better at the rifle, but it’s not going as well as the self teaching on the bow. Also would be nice to find some other women hunters in the area, but I haven’t.IMG_4795.jpeg
I have a question specifically to you gals and it's kinda quiet in this section, so: how did you learn to hunt? Did someone teach you, and if so, who? Are you self-taught? When did you start hunting? I imagine you have some great stories; let's hear them!

Great to hear about your first deer and your fortitude in teaching yourself to hunt! Great photo! I too am trying to learn simply by going out and doing it, but I have to admit there are challenges. I've not been a successful elk hunter yet, but am still trying. This year it was too warm all Oct. and now there's a foot of snow in my area. There is a wealth of knowledge here at HT and I sure appreciate and use it.

I tried to shoot a bow in a local store's demo room but just don't have the hand strength. I bought a nice rifle and hunt alone as well. It's exhilarating and fun but sometimes a challenge alone for sure. It would be nice to have a (female) hunting partner, I agree. When rock climbing or long-distance hiking/camping with a woman it's just a whole other dynamic than with a man. Sorry, guys, I luv ya'll but it's true. 😁

Thanks for the story; let us know how it goes and good luck!
When I was 34 and my kids were toddlers, we had recently moved to central IL and bought 5 acres. That place is dripping with whitetail. I would see them all the time on the way home from work. My family doesn’t hunt, my husband doesn’t hunt, but I decided I wanted to. So, I bought a compound bow and taught myself how to shoot. That winter I got a deer. Sadly, my only successful hunt so far. A few months after I got that deer, we moved to NM. NM has an awesome hunting variety, but so hard to draw a tag. I have drawn 3 tags in the past 6 years, elk once, deer once, javelina once. I was so close on the elk and javelina hunts, but ultimately haven’t had any successful hunts. I’m trying to get better at the rifle, but it’s not going as well as the self teaching on the bow. Also would be nice to find some other women hunters in the area, but I haven’t.View attachment 347383
Welcome to Talk Hunt. 👍
Welcome to hunt talk. Hunting javelina with bow is great fun. Keep at it. My wife had a nice archery hunt last year for mule deer. Lots of close encounters but she did seal the deal. Fun hunt.
Welcome ladies from Pie Town,NM.
Lots of female hunters around here. A lot of females guides and outfitters run the shows.
I brought my daughter up to be a hunter. She is now in college and came back for deer hunting, but didnt get one. She has shot pronghorn, elk and whitetail.

KSR, congrats on the deer and keep at it. If you put forth the effort, you will be successful.

A different dynamic with a guy....never thought of it like that. For us, it was just a daughter and a dad. Her being in college makes it hard for a western trip, but I am buying her points!
I brought my daughter up to be a hunter. She is now in college and came back for deer hunting, but didnt get one. She has shot pronghorn, elk and whitetail.

KSR, congrats on the deer and keep at it. If you put forth the effort, you will be successful.

A different dynamic with a guy....never thought of it like that. For us, it was just a daughter and a dad. Her being in college makes it hard for a western trip, but I am buying her points!
Elk nut, I love to hear stories like this! You and your daughter are very blessed to be able to share this. That’s a whole different dynamic itself.

You may wonder what I mean about a different dynamic; it’s when your climbing/ hiking / hunting partner isn’t in competition or trying to tell you the “right” way. They’re cheering you on and helping you out. Sounds like you already know that. I have nothing but respect for all the great dads out there! Husbands too.
As my kids hit their beginning hunting years, I decided that in order to do what is best for them, my personal hunting may suffer for awhile. I think a lot of dads think that. But you know what? It really didnt. I might not have shot as many ducks or pheasants, but the pleasure I got from my kids getting them instead was way better. Now, my boys are 16 and I no longer wait for them to shoot. In fact, I feel good if I get the shot off first and harvest whatever it is we are hunting!

I hate the competition aspect of hunting. It leads nowhere good. I know what you (WW) are trying to say about the "right" way, but I also think it is the responsibility of a more experienced hunter to teach and pass down the knowledge. But that has to be done in such a way as to not be overbearing (which I think is what you (WW) are getting at).
My father tried to get me to hunt as a kid but I was not into it. Now I got back into hiking and camping with friends cause it gives me a chance to be my authentic self. Hunting on my terms with like minded friends has been fun and liberating.

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